lundi le vingt-cinq février

In HWB we were thinking about the health benefits of being active.

When we were learning about prepositions- the position of one thing in relation to another, we acted out the preposition word and in teams we had to guess the word. Some like beside and next to were similar or meant the same thing so they were trickier to guess!

Today we started our new topic by thinking about what we already know about climate zones. Some of us looked at the equator on a map of the world for the first time and the country of Greenland fascinated us because most of it is covered with snow and ice!

We will be learning about how the weather affects life in the different zones, how living things adapt to live no in the areas and how people use the different types of landscape in the arctic, temperate, tropical and desert zones.

In a few weeks everyone will have an opportunity to share their learning about their chosen zone. This can be using a model, PowerPoint, fact file or other method along with a spoken presentation. More details about this will be given out soon.

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