vendredi le vingt-six octobre

It has been another busy week in Primary 4.

We were exploring non-fiction text features, finding out what each feature is for, and then found some features in non-fiction texts.

We discovered that gold is not magnetic. This gold ring was not attracted to the magnet.

Here, it took the force of 4 magnets to hold up this desk tidy.

On Wednesday we had a visit from the SSPCA. Alec was telling us about how injured birds and wild animals are cared for and then released back into the wild. There was a video presentation, then a quiz and at the end we played Snakes and Ladders, but before going up a ladder or down a snake you had to answer a true or false question about animals- it was great fun!

On Thursday we wrote recounts of the SSPCA visit.

Today in PE we were applying our throwing, catching and shooting skills in our first introduction to netball.

Have a great weekend!




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