mardi le dix-huit septembre

This is an artwork called False Perspective. We answered the place value partition questions and put the correct answers together to create the picture.


Our artwork was Grandma’s quilt, so we had to find numbers with the correct numbers in the columns to colour the quilt properly.

Making sure that we choose the correct colours and shade carefully.

For our latest science experiment we created a jar xylophone. We could hear how the pitch changed depending on how much water was in each jar.

Here we are working together to agree on the Very Important Points in our part of the class story. Each group worked on a different part then we put the ideas together to create a summary of the chapter.

Type of throw, aim and power! All of the skills necessary to get the beanbag into the hoop.

Here we are trying out a writing carousel. We read someone else’s work and then helped to point out ways that the work can be improved. It was good to see that a lot of things were pointed out for editing, although they should have been checked individually before the carousel!!

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