vendredi le troisieme septembre

This morning we were learning how to extract the homey from the frames. First of all the caps have to be carefully scraped off the honey. Next Mr McMullan put the frames into the extractor. The frames were spun slowly so that the honey came out by centrifugal force. Once the frames had been turned over and spun again, Mr  McMullan filtered the honey.  It was really interesting!

In our Big Reading lesson, we worked with a partner to find words including the ea phoneme. We learned that these letters can sound like E as in dream, e as in thread and A as in break!! We were practising the skill of text marking to help us retrieve information. 

During our lesson using a plastic drum we explored what would happen to the sound if we had the plastic tight and then what the sound would be like if the plastic was loose. When the plastic was tight we got a higher clearer sound and when it was loose we had a low dull sound. The pitch indicates how high or low a sound is.

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