Homework 22/5/18 – 1/6/18

Homework from 22/5/18 – 1/6/18


Spelling words: Keep going – remember your DOJOS!!

·         Write out each word in the 4th and 5th rows neatly 3 times

·         Write 6 silly sentences using all 12 of your spelling words   and remember to punctuate correctly.


Please read the whole book to an adult and make sure that you pay attention to the punctuation to help you read with suitable pauses and expression. Ask the adult to make a comment about how well you read, in your jotter.

RD – Hot Pepper Queen and the Mango Babies

DW – At Night or Home Time

 JKR group – continue to read your own novels/non-fiction texts at home. Please ask an adult to make a comment about how well you read, in your jotter.


This week we have been looking at the links between multiplication and division and once we are familiar with the stations of the times tables, it helps us to make the division connections (fact families).

Think how many times can I get the times table number into the big number?

 30 ÷ 5 – it is the 5 times table so count up in 5s until you reach 30 – 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 – 6 times    so 30 ÷ 5 = 6

Complete your number activity sheet – basic division questions

Keep practising all the times tables covered so far by your group.

Ask someone to challenge you to help become quicker at recalling the answers.

Try out some of these activities:



https://www.mathplayground.com/ASB_Pony_Pull_Division.htmlhttps://www.mathplayground.com/ASB_DemolitionDivision.htmlActivelearn activities – new activities have been added.

 Health Week

We have just had our own Woodlands Sports Day which included 12 different activities including a snack station. I would like you to design your own circuit of activities but it does not have to be in school!

It could be in the woods, with log step-ups, or at the seaside or in the playpark, or an imaginary setting.

Have fun thinking about 6 healthy activities and a healthy snack stop.

Draw out a map of your setting and make sure that your activities are well labelled.

Again, you can word process if you want to and make your map colourful with activity labels.

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