Homework 17/4/18 – 23/4/18

Homework from 17/4/18 – 23/4/18


Spelling words:

·         Practise writing out the last row of your spelling wall three times.

·         Choose the 6 words from the wall that you find the trickiest to spell and include these words in 6 interesting and correctly punctuated sentences (use questions, exclamations, etc).


This week you have been given a new home reader, please read the whole book to an adult and make sure that you pay attention to the punctuation to help you read with suitable pauses and expression.

RD – Toad Crossing

DA – Grandma’s Cat or Clouds

 JKR group – you are expected to be reading your own novels/chapter books at home. Please make sure that you read 2 chapters to an adult so that you can show someone how you are practising and developing a range of reading strategy skills.


You are making progress using the formal method (chimney sums) to add and subtract with exchange.

Complete your calculations carefully, checking whether to add or subtract and think about one place value at a time.





This week your activity is giving you the chance to explore a map and use the information to answer questions. You need to think about turning left and right, so if you need more help with this, remember to use the handy hints ( most children write with their right hand)! Turn the map around so that you can pretend that you are walking along the roads and making the turns yourself!

Have fun – map reading is a great skill to develop!

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