Homework 20/3/18 – 26/3/18


Spelling words:

Practise writing out the eighth row three times. 

·         Make up 6 interesting sentences using up-levelled VCOP. You are learning about WOW words, so please use some in your writing.


This week, there is a sequencing activity about Scott of the Antarctic to complete.  Please make sure that you look carefully at each section of the information logically. Read each section first, think about the information given in each section. Cut out the sections and then put them into the correct order. Only stick them into your jotter when you are sure that the information makes sense.


You are making progress using the formal method (chimney sums) to subtract with exchange.

Complete your calculations carefully, thinking about one place value at a time.







Activelearn – new activities have been allocated.


 Design a logo competition –instructions are on the sheet.

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