Homework 6/2/18 – 19/2/18


Spelling words:

·         Using an activity from your yellow sheet that you haven’t used before, write out the words from the third row 3 times. Make sure that you understand the meaning of each word.

·         Write 6 sentences which include your spelling words


Please continue to give children the opportunities to handle and calculate money totals and change.

We have been learning how to work out the fewest number of coins and notes to use to make a total.

Please complete the money activity given out. Use these sites to practise different skills using money: 





 Another reminder – please could everyone access their account on Activelearn and complete more of the interactive learning opportunities.


 IDL – Science      Make a list in your jotter of 5 solids, 5 liquids and 5 gases – you will have some ideas from the activities that you carried out with Miss Thomson on Friday.

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