Homework 23/1/18 – 29/1/18


Spelling words:

Everyone has been given their new spelling word wall. Using an activity from your yellow sheet that you haven’t used before, write out the words from the first row 3 times.

 Reading – ongoing

You have been given a school book to read at home.  Please look after it and remember to have it in your bag each day.  Read out loud from your book to an adult to practise your word attack strategies, fluency and expression.

J.K Rowling group – Magic Carpet Slippers chapters 5 and 6

Roald Dahl group – read whole book  

David Walliams group – read whole book


We have been learning to recognise British notes and coins, use them to make totals and work out a total from the given notes and coins.  Here are some practical ideas for practising money concepts at home that can be ongoing and become more challenging each week!

Use coins and notes to pay for an item – a special task for the child to choose the correct coins to make the exact price of an item and then pay for it themselves!

Using coins Ask your child to choose an item from home with a price shown on the item (e.g. from a pizza menu, food packaging or newspaper, etc.). Ask children to record the coins or notes that could be used to pay exactly for this item. Can they make up a different combination for the same total?

 Price list Ask children to choose a type of shop and think of items that the shop is likely to sell. They think of three items costing less than £5 and three items costing more than £5. They write these in order from lowest to highest price to make a price list for the shop.

Try out these games to develop your speed and confidence using coins.





 I have allocated money activities on Activelearn, so please could everyone access their account and complete more of the interactive learning opportunities as there has been very little recent activity!


Please learn and practise any poems, songs or script ready for the Robert Burns assembly on Friday. 


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