Homework 9/1/18 – 15/1/18


Spelling words:

Pick your 6 favourite words from your spelling sheet. Write them out 3 times and write 6 interesting sentences including those words.

 Reading – ongoing

You have been given a school book to read at home.  Please look after it and remember to have it in your bag each day.  Read out loud from your book to an adult to practise your word attack strategies, fluency and expression. Record any interesting VCOP that you come across in your reading.

J.K Rowling group – Magic Carpet Slippers chapters 1 and 2

Roald Dahl group – read p1-16   

David Walliams group – read whole book


We were using addition and subtraction skills to complete number pyramids.

Complete your own pyramid remembering to look at the information you have been given and whether you will need to add or subtract to help you fill in the missing numbers. Once finished, CHECK  by starting at the bottom of the pyramid and adding the numbers until you reach the top.


New Year’s Resolutions. Why not select 5 ideas and try hard to keep them this year? Here are a few ideas to get you thinking!

·         I will clean up my toys, books, games, etc. when I have finished using them.

·         I will brush my teeth twice a day,

  • I will wash my hands after going to the bathroom and before   eating.

·         I will drink more milk and water, and limit fizzy drinks.

·         I will try to find a sport (like football, basketball or swimming) or an activity (like playing tig, skipping, dancing or riding my bike) that I like and do it at least three times a week!

·         I will always wear a helmet when bicycling, skating and skateboarding.

·         I’ll be nice and respectful to other children. I’ll be friendly to those who need friends – like someone who is shy, or is new to my school.

·         I’ll never give out personal information such as my name, home address, school name or telephone number on the Internet.


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