Homework 12/9/17 – 18/9/17

Homework from 12/9/17 until 18/9/17


Spelling words:

Please use the spelling words at the beginning of your homework jotter.

This week practise the words in the second row of your spelling wall.

Say, listen to, read and write out the words. If the word does not look correct when you have written it, remember the picture of what it looks like when you read it!

Use 1 of the activities in your spelling activities leaflet to practise spelling your words.

This week I will be checking the first 12 words on your spelling wall.

Try out this site to test your logical skills. Play the Alien Hangman game. http://www.crickweb.co.uk/ks2literacy.html


At the moment reading is being carried out in school, so no books are being sent home this week. However, we expect that you will be reading your own books/comics etc. to a grown up to practise your reading strategies. Remember the library is a brilliant place to pick up new and exciting fiction and non-fiction texts!


We are now thinking about how the numbers are made up of hundreds, tens and units. This fun game will help you think about the importance of the place when putting a digit into a number.


Everyone has their own sheet for place value number ordering to complete.

Interdisciplinary Learning -this is a 2 week technology activity (due in 26/9/17)

We have been learning about Viking longships and how the Vikings were able to sail on long voyages in them. For this activity you can build a model of a Viking longship!

Try some of these websites to help get you started:




Have fun using junk materials and designing your shields, sail and figurehead.

vendredi le huit septembre

We used number generators to show digits in the correct values.

In HWB we were thinking of the risks involved if we wear inappropriate clothes and shoes in the gym hall. Big bows and jewellery can also be a problem on P.E. days!

This photo shows us using different strategies to help us balance. Why not have a competition at home?

In language we started to think about interesting vocabulary. We thought about alliteration and using words which start with the same letter to make our sentences sound  super, scintillating and supremely satisfying!

Have a great weekend and just a reminder that it is the Viking Festival in Largs tomorrow.

mercredi le six septembre

Today we started to use our activelearn accounts for maths. Everyone was able to log on, so please try to access from home so that we can use the resource for homework activities.

In number we were trying to find our our partner’s mystery number. Have a go at home using the great place value questions we were thinking about. Try to solve as many numbers as you can, but only go to 3 digits for now!

Homework 5/9/17 – 11/9/17

Homework from 5/9/17 until 11/9/17


Spelling words:

Everyone has their own sheet to practise. Look at the top line this week. Please say, listen to, read and write out the words. If the word does not look correct when you have written it, remember the picture of what it looks like when you read it.

This is a great site for practising sight and spelling words. You can work through from the beginning or use the word lists which are trickier for you. You choose the way which will help you to learn and improve!



We are extending our understanding of number order and place value into the thousands. Already we have been learning that there are 4 place values for a thousands number –Thousands, Hundreds, Tens, Units.


This site helps you to build up your understanding of place value, so again, you choose where to start and progress at your own pace. Please do not go beyond  Th, H, T, U.

Choose 4 different digits from a phone number e.g. 5  9  1   6

Change the numbers round so that their place means that they change their values. Which is the biggest number, which is the smallest number and how many numbers can you order in between? Use units to start with e.g. 1 5  6  9 and build up as you get more confident e g 15  16  19  56  59  etc.

Interdisciplinary Learning

As already mentioned in the class blog last week. This week there is the Viking Festival in Largs. If you can make it over there next Saturday, it will be a great experience for the children and a great way of bringing the Viking topic to life!  Check out the website https://largsvikingfestival.org for more details.