vendredi le quinze septembre

The  Today we had our first Big Writing lesson! We were all very excited to find out what we were going to do, especially as there were seat swaps too!

First of all we learnt what VCOP stands for. Why not ask me, to see whether I remember? We have been finding lots of great and interesting vocabulary this week, so we moved onto connectives. We worked in pairs to put two short sentences together using connectives. We soon realised that the connective has to make sense, and you can re-order the short sentences and use different connectives. We all agreed that using ‘and ‘ all the time is a bit boring!

Next, we compared two pieces of texts and highlighted the VCOP that made the 2nd text more interesting.

Finally, we were able to use all of our learning to continue a story ourselves. We could use our targets to check that we were using the correct punctuation, WOW words, interesting sentence openers and cool connectives. Our teacher can’t wait to read our work!


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