Tuesday 10th January 2017

This morning p4 were learning about quarter turns and that they were 90 degree turns. We challenged each other with starting points on the compass and a number of quarter turns to make. We made the link between a quarter turn and a right angle.  We used angle twisters to show right angles, acute and obtuse angles. Next week we will be using our right angle checker to find right angles in shapes.

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This afternoon, we carried out an experiment to find out what substance would melt an ice cube quickest.

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We kept the bowl, ice cubes, amount of substance and place in the classroom the same. The only thing that was different was the substance used to melt the ice cube. Salt melted the ice cube quickest, followed by water, sugar, nothing (the control) and sand.

We have been learning the difference between solids, liquids and gases and we played a game to find out whether we could say whether our item was a solid, liquid or gas.

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