For today’s treat, we had a visit from the ice cream van- cones all round!
I hope that you all have a wonderful summer! Best wishes to everyone !
What have we been up to recently?
We had our cinema afternoon.
We finished our Viking pendants, threaded and knotted the leather laces, then modelled them using our best Viking poses!
We soaked the SMT.
We took part in an outdoor disco.
During the Big Clean, our responsibility was the school entrance area.
Today we had a water fight and ….
We had slushes!
Here we are engaged in Cosmic Yoga – Harry Potter themed.
We were learning about some Viking sagas and watched a saga about Odin creating the world.
We have started to put the warp threads onto cardboard looms ready to start weaving.
We have been revising our knowledge of fractions and are building up our understanding of equivalent fractions such as 1/2 and 2/4.
Here are some photos from Monday’s healthy physical activity- the trim trail.
Using the clay tools, this is a cool effect on one of the Thor’s Hammer pendants.
It has been another busy week: learning how to use speech marks correctly, comparing Viking houses with our own homes, learning about the effects of tobacco and alcohol on the organs of our bodies and learning how to use the “ bus stop” method for division. It has been another very busy week in Primary 4/5.
Enjoy your weekend, everyone!
Here are some photos giving you a flavour of our learning this week. We were dividing using different strategies to calculate correctly. We have been learning many re about the Vikings using a non-fiction text and this afternoon we used clay to create the shape for our Viking inspired pendants.
Enjoy your weekend, everyone!
We have had a great end to the week! We put the organs of the body onto the base template and have made the organs flap so that you can see the ones underneath.
Ask me to tell you about the organs and what they do!
This afternoon we enjoyed our Cool Class Cup treat – we watched the Emoji Movie, had a drink and some popcorn- it was a great way to end the week!
Have a great weekend and I’ll see you on Tuesday!
It has been another busy week in Primary 4/5!
Here we were practising our trio facts when learning strategies to divide. These are the thoughts we had about our understanding of division.
Instead of hockey, we had team races for PE and there has been an improvement in teamwork and sportsmanship which is great to see – not to mention some extremely fast running!
Tomorrow we are having our Cool Class Cup treat – a movie and snacks. What a great way to end the week!