All posts by F.Pollock

P5/6 Homework

There will be no formal homework now until we return to school on Monday 9th January.  This is in line with the rest of the school.  Children could still practise their tables, discuss the price of things, perhaps pay for things in shops and estimate change.

We are still waiting for a few children to bring in their costume/outfit for tomorrow’s dress rehearsal.  Please send them in, if you haven’t already.

Wee Reminder of Dates:

Tuesday 13th – Dress rehearsal

Wednesday 14th – Christmas Lunch

Thursday 15th P6s Princess Square.  No swimming for P5s

Friday 16th “Lights, Camel, Action.” Nativity Morning and Afternoon

Monday 19th P5-7 Christmas Party

Christmas Comes to P5/6

Today we put up our Christmas Tree and started some Christmas artwork.  It made everyone feel very Christmassy.  The choir have been given a letter about next weeks arrangements for Princess Square.  Tomorrow everyone should bring in their outfit for the nativity. Please send in you child’s outfit in a plastic bag to be kept in school until next Friday 16th. If you have any questions about the clothes for the nativity please contact the school office or Mrs Pollock.

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P5/6 Homework Week Beginning 5th December


Choose 3 colours.  You may not use any other colours.  Now colour the baubles but make sure that each one is different.  (You may use each colour more than once on any bauble if you wish.)  How many different designs can you make?  Use bauble sheet given to you from Mrs Pollock

 Continue to spend time learning their tables.  It would be helpful if the children could have their times tables “at their fingertips”.  The times tables help the children in so many areas of maths.  Each child in the class knows what tables they should be working on.  Between now and Christmas we will be having table tests every week.  Here are some ideas to help your child learn their tables:

TGT (Team Game Tournament) children can make the cards at home.

Chant/Sing/Write the tables out (this website has links to many other websites)

Between now and Christmas we will have a tables test every week.


Read through the lyrics to this well-known Christmas song

and then answer the questions underneath.


On the twelfth day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Twelve drummers drumming,
Eleven pipers piping,
Ten lords a-leaping,
Nine ladies dancing,
Eight maids a-milking,
Seven swans a-swimming,
Six geese a-laying,
Five golden rings,
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree!





1) How many presents were given by my true love all together?

2) How many birds were sent by my true love?

3) How many people did my true love send to entertain me?

4) How many wings are there in the song?

5) How many legs are there in the song?

6) If I have to share all of my presents with one other person, how many presents would we each have?


Remember: show all your working out on a separate piece of paper!






Deck the halls with gbuobs of holly!

When Santa got stuck up the nyiecmh!

Whilst pershedhs watch their flocks by night!

egiljn bells eginjl bells elginj all the way!

Joy to the rowdl, the Lord is come!

In the akleb mid winter!

We wish you a merry mactshirs!

You’d better not thous, you’d better not cry!

Sleigh bells ring! Are you glinsetni?

Come and join the blatienorce, it’s a very special day.

Tip, if you are stuck write the letters on paper and rearrange, look for patterns-tion sp ie etc




Today in our literacy groups we were revisiting some work on using speech marks,  identifying nouns and verbs, identifying powerful verbs used for said in our novels and a close passage- phew! No wonder we are all tired 😴😴😴img_2117 img_2118 img_2119

Thursday Afternoon

This afternoon P5 had an energetic afternoon at the Tryst swimming then going dryside to take part in keep fit.  P6 went to the nursing home in Greenfaulds to sing some Christmas songs and carols.  The people and staff at the nursing home thought the singing was marvellous.

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Practising for Our St Andrew’s Assembly

As always, we have been very busy in P5/6.  This morning we worked very well both in our novel groups and independently.


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We have also been practising for our St Andrew’s Assembly.  Some people still need to learn their words so tonight is the last night to be able to do this.  Remember, if you want, you can wear tartan or Scottish themed clothes tomorrow.

Today we have given out letters notify parents/careers that we will shortly be starting our sexual health lessons.  On Thursday those children in P5 will be going swimming and need to bring their PE kit, swimming kit and £1 for the locker.  We are also looking for the tubes from kitchen rolls.  Please don’t send in toilet roll tubes.

P5/6 Homework Week Beginning 28th November

In Maths we continue to look at money.  Some children are working on money to £1, £5, £10, £20 or £100 so the activities below can be adapted to allow the children to practice with the amounts of money they are most comfortable with.

Look at catalogues, websites etc and analyse the cost of different items in different shops and analyse impact of special offers on their overall costs and budget.

Christmas Budget Challenge- children to budget for a family for Christmas including dinner, gifts, transport/travel, clothes, special treat such as panto/cinema.

Children take on jobs for modest pay (concepts that money has value and finding the best deal will get them most for their money).  Discuss concept of saving money from several jobs to purchase more expensive items.

Here are some websites that you may find useful!

The Cost of Money Quiz –

Financial Soccer –

Many children still need to spend time learning their tables.  It would be helpful if the children could have their times tables “at their fingertips”.  The times tables help the children in so many areas of maths.  Each child in the class knows what tables they should be working on.  Remember between now and Christmas we will be having table tests every week.  Here are some ideas to help your child learn their tables:

TGT (Team Game Tournament) children can make the cards at home.

Chant/Sing/Write the tables out (this website has links to many other websites)

Between now and Christmas we will have a tables test every week.


Practice learning your words off by heart for our St Andrew’s Assembly on Wednesday 30th November

Read your group novel: Green Group Read Chapters 3 & 4 (P33-64)

Blue Group Read Chapters 2 & 3  (P27-64)

Red Group Read Chapters 5 & 6 (P32-48)


St Andrew’s Day

Use sources to research the life of St Andrew.  Select key information to create a fact sheet possible areas to consider could be: St Andrew’s Life; St Andrew’s Day Traditions; The Saltire and Patron Saint of Scotland and Other Countries.

Have a look at web link below.

It comes from The National Library of Scotland.  It is all about Scots Language learning and features one of Scotland’s best kent cartoon characters, Oor Wullie.   Choose at least two of the activities and when possible record them in your homework jotter


P5/6 Homework

This weeks homework is to learn the words for your part of the St Andrew’s Day assembly as well as the words to the following songs:

  1. Follow Me,  Follow Me ( Leave this until Wednesday as we didn’t have enough time to go over it).
  2. P5 Learn the lyrics to the Camel Funk
  3. P6 Learn the lyrics to the Inn Keepers’ Tango

Please remember to bring any sheets with words back to school everyday.

Reading:  Please read the following pages at home this week.  Don’t for get to bring your novel with you everyday to school

Red Group: Read P 25- 31

Blue Group: Read P27-44

Green Group: Read P33-49