All posts by F.Pollock


This morning, before the sun came out, we had PE outside on the school field. Β We practised our throwing, catching and fielding skills before taking part in a game of rounders. Β Even though it was very cold, we had great fun.

Remember to keep practising the songs for the school show.

WW2- Rationing

This afternoon we learned more about rationing with Miss Murray. Β We made carrot cookies, sequenced events to do with rationing, made a Β propaganda poster promoting rationing and investigated clothing rationing.


P5/6 Homework Week Beginning 8th May

Maths – Data Handling

Toss a coin – Have your child toss a coin 20 times and use tallies to record whether it lands heads or tails. Β Now repeat the activity with a sibling or yourself.Β  Collate the results and create a block graph to show the combined results. Β Compare graphs and discuss similarities and differences.

Media search  – Ask your child to look at advertisements (on TV, in newspapers or magazines, in leaflets around the home) and to try to find examples quoting numbers of people responding to survey questions, for example, β€˜86 out of 139 women said Magic Shine is the best shampoo’.

Surveys and questionsΒ  – Ask your child to discuss or find examples of questionnaires at home. They could ask parents or carers if they have been asked for information as part of a survey or questionnaire, for example, giving feedback on products or about a holiday.

Collecting & using data –

Make your own graph –

Data Games –Β

Literacy- Instructional Writing

Choose something that you know how to do really well.

Here are some suggestions:

  • How to play a computer game
  • How to make your favourite snack
  • How to make something out of paper (aeroplane, hat, boat etc)
  • How to perform a search using a search engine
  • Make brief notes.

Remember the Success Criteria:

Tell me what you are going to make.
List of what you need
Equipment list tells you how much of each item you need
Instructions are split up into small steps.
Each step is given a number
Use instructional verb
Use time connective (First,Β  last, next, then)
Write in sentences with fullstops and capital letters
Don’t use slang
Pictures or photographs show us what to do
Words are easy to understand

Use a word processing program (like Word) to create your own set of instructions.

Check your work and get someone else to check it too.


Health and Well Being

How many times can you Beat the Street?Β  Will you walk, cycle or run?Β Β  Don’t forget 2 hits = 1 point.Β  Make sure an adult knows where you are going and who you are going with!


Songs for the Summer Show

Learn the lyrics for both songs.Β  Children have been given a copy of the lyrics for both songs.

P5s- Hey Brother and Islands in the Stream

P6s- Ho Hey and Dance the Night Away



This morning Β we looked at worries some children maybe suffering from such as:

  • Neglect
  • Physical Abuse
  • Emotional Β Abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Bullying

We learned it’s important to speak out and stay safe. Β We identified Trusted Adults who might be good to talk to and who can help us. Β We also learned about the work of ChildlineΒ  (Tel: 0800 11 11).


Beat the Street

This afternoon, in the glorious sunshine, we joined up with P1 and P3. Together we Beat the Street with our special fobs. Β Later the 3 classes will compile a campaign video to promote Road Safety focusing on Walking and Cycling to school.

RME- The Parable of the Good Samaritan.

This afternoon we learned more about parables. Β We looked at the story of the Good Samaritan then explored it through drama. Β We worked in groups of 6. Β Our success criteria was:

  • use loud, clear voices,
  • follow the story,
  • think about actions and facial expressions
  • face the audience
  • consider how to demonstrate your character’s emotions.

P5/6 Homework for W/B 1st May. Design the honey label competition

Design the honey label competition

Success Criteria:
β€’ I can make my label, bright, colourful and clear.
β€’ I can include a name for our farm, name for the honey, date it was made and nutritional information.
β€’ I can design a logo for the honey and include a motto.
There will be a winner from each house, plus an overall winner, which will be used for our actual honey jars in the summer.

The four winners will get 1,000, 750, 500 and 250 respectively. The overall winner will get 2000 house points.

Designs will be judged on the success criteria.

The children’s entries need to have their name, class and house on it.
They can use this template or design their own – their choice.
If children want to design them on a computer and print them out, that’s fine. Β If required, Β  templates are available form MrsΒ Pollock.
Some designs for you to consider:

Outdoor Learning Over at The Luggie

This morning we all headed over to The Luggie, Β our first visit since Spring began. Β We noticed a big difference in the vegetation. Β Miss Murray led our lesson on symmetry. With a partner, we had to create a symmetrical pattern, with 1 or 2 lines of symmetry, Β using material we found around the Luggie. Then we had to continue a pattern that another pair had created.

Google Expedition Visit

This morning we took part in Google Expeditions using the new app. Mrs Pollock led our expedition about volcanoes. Β It was totally awesome and we built on the work we learned during our topic on Extreme Earth. Β  Β We thought it was a fun way to learn and give the experience 10/10.