All posts by F.Pollock


This morning in PE we continued to develop our skills of throwing and catching.  We then practised these skills in a game of mini netball.  We had very few rules but as we play more netball Mrs Pollock will introduce more rules.    

Homework W/B 4th September

As outlined in the newsletter, homework will be set on a Tuesday and everyone is expected to return their homework the following Monday.  Each week you will given Maths/Numeracy, Literacy and 1 other area of the curriculum or something seasonal.  You can decide how to manage your homework e.g you may want to complete a little bit every night or leave it until the weekend, however, it must be completed and returned to school every Tuesday.  Yellow homework jotters will be issued tomorrow.

Homework W/B 4th September2017

Literacy:  Literacy:  Revision of nouns, verbs and adjectives.

Nouns and adjectives game: A Game for 2 players.  Face each other with the rest of the class acting as referees. One person starts by saying a noun. The other responds with an adjective that fits that noun, e.g. “Chair,” followed by, “Comfy.” Then the first person says another noun and the second child responds, again, with an adjective that goes with it. The game continues until either person loses. The person that wins stays up and faces a new challenger. The winning person must now take on the opposite role. So if they said nouns before they are now adjectives and vice versa.

A person loses if:

  • they take too long to answer a question;
  • they say, “erm,” before answering;
  • they repeat a word that has already been said in the round by either child;
  • they say an incorrect word (one that either isn’t a noun or adjective or an adjective that doesn’t fit)
  • Write this sentence out in your jotter. Underline the verb, put a circle around the noun.

The cat sat on the mat.

  • Write this sentence out again this time change the noun or verb or add an adjective to change it.

The sad cat sat on the mat.

The cat sat on the wet mat.

The cat slept on the mat.


Can you make up at least 10 different sentences?


In Maths we are looking at Place Value.  Choose at least 2 of these activities:

Football Transfers newspapers, computer with internet access.  Ask children to find out information about football players’ transfer fees in the paper or on the internet. They list up to ten prices in their learning logs. They underline one digit of each transfer fee and identify the value of the underlined digit using words or figures, e.g. £764 000 is seven hundred thousand pounds or £700 000.

Globe Trotters atlases, computer with internet access.  Investigate the distances between home and five cities they would really like to visit.  Put the distances in order, starting with the highest.  Think about which destinations would cost most to visit and why?

Digit shuffle Ask children to write the last three digits of a phone number (their own or a friend’s). The three digits must be different. They write all the different 2 digit numbers that they can make with the digits. For each number, they partition the digits and give their values, e.g. 24 = 2 tens and 4 units = 20 + 4.


The digit 3 Ask children to investigate how many numbers between 0 and 100 have the digit 3. They list all the numbers and say whether the digit 3 is a tens digit or a units digit (include the number 33 that has both). How many numbers do you think would have a different digit such as 7?


Digit shuffle Ask children to write the last six digits of a phone number (their own or a friend’s) into their learning logs. For each number they write it in words and partition the digits like this: 387 249 is three hundred and eighty- seven thousand, two hundred and forty-nine. 387 249 = 387 000 + 249.



Here are some websites that you may find useful – Got it! – Shark Numbers Find the value of the underlined digit. Type the number in numerals and then fire the cannon!


Extreme Earth : The Continents Game

As part of our work on Extreme Earth we will be looking at Plate Tectonics of the Earth.  Use an atlas or the internet to look at the map of the world. Revise the continents and familiarise yourself with some of the countries that belong in each continent.

This is a game for two people. Cut out the cards and turn them upside down. Take it in turns to turn a card over. The first person to shout out the correct continent in to which that country belongs keeps the card. The winner is the person with the most cards after they have all been won. If there are any disagreements use the map provided to check the correct answer was given.

Egypt Bulgaria Peru Finland
Kenya Canada Argentina Nepal
New Zealand Madagascar Ireland Ethiopia
Jamaica Italy Jordan Haiti
Malaysia Russia Spain Alaska
Greenland Wales Yemen South Korea





Literacy with Rex the Retriever

Today we continued learning more about the jobs of Rex the Retriever. With our partner, we highlighted the VIPs (Very Important Parts) that led to Michael falling over board in our novel.  From our highlighting, we then identified 6 VIPs and presented them on a story board.

Place Value

This morning we continued our hard work in maths.  All the maths groups were able to follow their Task Boards independently and move between the various tasks, including using our new class iPads. 😍

If you’ve not brought in your PE kit, remember to bring it in tomorrow as we’ve got PE just before lunch.

Introducing The Big Reading Friends

This morning we learned more about one of the Big Reading Friends, Rex Retriever.

First of all we read Chapter 2 of Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo, picking out WOW words as we came across them. We then had a task called Find the Fib to do.  This involved using our retrieval skills.  Next we shared our sentences and our partner had to find our fib!

To begin with, we found it tricky but then we got to work with other people and found it easier. Finally, we split into two teams and had a competition.

Can you spot Mrs Cannon????

Eco- Committee Election Next Week

On Tuesday those children who would like to represent our class on the Eco-Committee will have the opportunity to share their ideas and reason why they think they would make a good rep.  Children can either present a talk, PowerPoint presentation or design a leaflet/poster that they could talk about.  Their talk shouldn’t last longer than 1 minute.  I can’t wait to hear all the campaigning.

Happy Weekend, everyone, and see you all bright and eager to learn on Monday.

Place Value

Today in maths we continued our work on place value.  We could all explain the difference between a number and a digit.  In teams, we played against each other to make the biggest number using the game Spin to Win.  We also completed an individual assessment to find out what we could remember about place value form last year.

Don’t forget: if you haven’t already done so, please bring in your P.E. kit for tomorrow and Thursday.

Monday 21st August

This morning we started to create our I am Poems.  We are still at the planning stage but hopefully will get them printed and published on Friday.  You’ll be able to read them at the Parent Information evening om Thursday 14th September.

This afternoon we all participated in a dotmocracy to vote for our areas of new learning. We were all given 3 dots so we could vote for the topics we would like to learn about. The Luggie and Extreme Earth were voted as the most popular.