All posts by F.Pollock

Our Visit to the Luggie Nature Reserve

This afternoon we made it safely over to the Luggie Nature Reserve. We used our maps to identify the different features, identified some plants and wildlife then had a chance to explore the area with our partners.  Some of us even got to explore in the river.


We also got to see the improvements being made to the footpath from the funding Scottish Wildlife Trust received from Viridor Credits.

 We were all really surprised to discover an amazing wild place so close to our school.  The outdoors is a reallly top place to learn.  Look at our photos to see how much we thought we learned!

Visit to the Luggie Tomorrow

Tomorrow, Wednesday 25th October, we will be heading over to The Luggie for our outdoor learning. The weather doesn’t look too bad but please remember to bring a coat, wellies or old shoes/boots. I think the footpaths will be muddy.   Also remember to bring your PE Kit back as we’ve got football coaching with Clyde FC .


Homework W/B 23rd October


This week in maths we are looking at negative numbers.  We:

  • Located numbers with a value of less than zero on a number line
  • Sequenced positive and negative numbers
  • Solved simple problems in context, with reference to the number line e.g. it was -10°C and it got 3°C colder/warmer

Choose either exercise A or B or C:

Section A
1. Put these temperatures in order, the lowest first.
a) 2°C, -8°C, -1°C, -6°C, -4°C
b) 6°C, 10°C, -15°C, -11°C, 14°C
c) 16°C, 18°C, -23°C, -25°C, -13°C, 12°C, 20°C
d) Which of these temperatures is lowest?
i) -4°C or -2°C
ii) -8°C or 8°C
iii) -16°C or -17°C
iv) -5°C or -6°C

Section B
1. The temperature rises by 15 degrees from -4°C. What is the new
2. The temperature falls from 11°C to -2°C. How many degrees does the
temperature fall?
3. The temperature is 6°C. It falls by 8 degrees. What is the temperature now?
4. The temperature is -3°C. How much must is rise to reach 5°C?
5. What is the difference in temperature between -4°C and 14°C?

Section C
1. The temperature was -5°C. It falls by 6 degrees. What is the temperature
2. The temperature is -11°C. It rises by 2 degrees. What is the temperature
3. The temperature is -20°C. How much must it rise to reach -5°C?
4. Draw a line graph to show these temperatures at 9.00 a.m. each day for 2
-2°C, 3°C, -1°C, 1°C, 4°C, 2°C, -1°C, 2°C, 5°C, 4°C, 1°C, -3°C, -5°C, 0°C


Everyone to do:

  1. Temperature chain puzzles Ask your child to make a puzzle by writing a chain of temperature changes, e.g. It was 7°C and then it reached 10°C. The temperature then rose by 5° before dropping a further 8°. What is the temperature now? He/she gives the initial temperature and makes sure he/she knows the final temperature in each puzzle.
  2. Website 1 – A highly enjoyable game focusing on the sequencing of positive and negative numbers.

Website 2 – Put the negative numbered wooly hats in the right order.


Some people didn’t read over the October Week.  Please ensure you have read your novel.

Blue Group Read Ch 7 & 8

Green Group Ch  6 & 7

Red Group Weird Weather

Put the apostrophes in the right place in these sentences.  Sometimes the apostrophe is to show contractions and sometimes ownership.

  1. The bag is Emmas.
  2. After school Im going to Marias.
  3. It was my brothers birthday last week.
  4. Its nearly home time.
  5. The handsome princess sword was sharp.
  6. Itll be the Easter holiday soon, Im excited.
  7. Im looking forward to going home.
  8. Youre very funny.
  9. Its your bag.
  10. Ill go home then.

  Hallowe’en’s Coming….

  • Interview family and friends. Find out what types of things they did when they were children for Halloween.  Can they remember any songs, rhymes or poems they were taught?
  • Use the internet, to research Halloween. Think about – Why do we celebrate Halloween? Halloween Customs and Traditions, Halloween Superstitions and Fascinating Facts About Halloween.  You could present your research as a power point or in your homework jotter.
  • Will you be guising at Halloween or perhaps going to a Halloween disco? Prepare your costume and make sure you can tell a joke, do a dance, sing a song or recite a poem.


Earthquakes 🌏

Today we continued our work on earthquakes. We can explain what causes earthquakes and how they are measured.  We also learned what to do in an earthquake.

Remember tomorrow is ECODAY.  Make sure you come dressed for the weather as you’ll be working outside, at times.   You need to wear school jumper/shirt but can wear your own bottoms.

P6 Homework Week Beginning 8thOctober

As it is the October Week holiday, there will be no homework issued that needs to be completed in your jotter.  Instead, if you are able to, you can make a model of a volcano, or a model to represent the structure of the earth.  Don’t forget you could also continue to work on Sumdog.  Everyone needs to read their group novel:

Red Group – New Book

Green Group Read Ch 6 & 7

Blue Group Read Ch 7 & 8

After the October Week, we will be going down to The Luggie Nature Reserve.  If you could look out wellies/old shoes or boots and a heavy coat with a hood.  If we wear our old shoes/boots/clothes, we don’t need to worry too much if we get dirty.

Don’t forget PE tomorrow and Thursday so bring in your kit, if it’s not already in school.  Eco Day on Friday.

Writing – Story Openers that Hook 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓

This morning in writing we focused on creating openings that would “hook” the reader in.  First, we looked at different openers  written by Roald Dahl and categorised them into openers that begin with dialogue, describe the setting or describe the characters or even a bit of all of them.  We then looked at how asking the reader a question, or including exciting action can also hook a reader in.  Finally, we wrote our own introductory paragraphs to hook our readers in.


Please check the homework blog from Tuesday to ensure you’ve completed all of the tasks.  Remember to bring your class novel into school on Monday.

Ball Skills

Over the last few weeks we have been practising our different ball skills of throwing and catching the ball and playing small sided mini games of netball. This morning we played in a full sized team of 7 and we were all given our own position and bibs.  It was great to play a “proper” game of netball.

Mrs Keith’s Visit to P6

This morning Mrs Keith, the maths consultant,  visited P6.  We worked together on calculations and identifying strategies that helps us with new learning and applying our previous learning.  Mrs Keith  gave us a really good top tip: before you begin the calculation just look at the numbers. 👀 👀

P6 Homework Week Beginning 2nd October


  • Sumdog
  • To multiply and divide by 10 and 100.

I know that a number moves along the place value grid.

I know that when I multiply I move to the left.

I know that when I divide I move to the right.

  1. 13 x 10 = 8. 150 ÷10 =


2 11 x 100 =                      9. 31 x 10 =


  1. 120 ÷10 =                           10. 23 x 100


  1. 220 ÷10 =                                        11. 130 ÷10 =


  1. 19 x 100 =                                 12. 190 ÷10 =


  1. 27 x 10 =                                          13. 45 x 10 =


  1. 170 ÷10 =                               14. 35 x 100 =


Circle Group:

  1. 1.3 x 10 =                        8. 150 ÷10 =


2 0.11 x 100 =                   9. 356.1 x 10 =


  1. 1.20 ÷10 =                     10. 0.23 x 100


  1. 892.20 ÷10 =             11. 13 ÷10 =


  1. 19.6 x 100 =                    12. 1.9÷10 =


  1. 27.8 x 10 =                    13. 4.5 x 10 =


  1. 17.0 ÷10 =                     14. 3.5 x 100 =




  • Remember to bring your group’s novel every day. Please ensure someone at home signs your jotter to say that you have read these chapters.

Green group read chapters 3, 4 & 5 of their group novel

Blue Group read chapters 4, 5 & 6 of their new group novel

Red Group read their new book

  • Apostrophes for contractions


Match the correct words


is not                                                                                      doesn’t

she will                                                                                  can’t

does not                                                                                couldn’t

should not                                                                            isn’t

you would                                                                            you’ll

he would                                                                              she’d

you will                                                                                 you’d

could not                                                                              they’d


Can you think of other words that can be contracted?

Pick at least 5 of the contracted words and write them in a sentence.  You should have at least 5 sentences that begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop.


Extreme Earth:  So far in class we have been looking at volcanoes and earthquakes.  Can you research some famous volcanic eruptions or earthquakes?  Make notes in your jotter explaining: where the volcano/earthquake is, why it is famous or notorious (well known for a bad reason) and the impact it’s had on humans.  If you want, you can include maps or images.