All posts by F.Pollock

Sound Investigations

This afternoon we continued to learn about sound.  In groups, we worked together and moved around 6 different stations exploring how sound is made or finding ways to change/ manipulate sounds.  We investigated:

  1. the boom bars
  2. Garage Band
  3. tuning fork and water
  4. twanging rulers of different lengths
  5. using different sized and thickness of elastic bands stretched on different shapes
  6. Bottles filled with different amounts of water

Tomorrow we are going to carry out a different investigation then write up our investigation as a science experiment.  Remember Sports Relief on Friday.


Homework W/B 19th March


Last week in the letter writing assessment, many children were getting

there, their, they’re, our and are mixed up.

Write a paragraph (or a few paragraphs) about 2 children who have something special belonging to them and they go to visit someone at a house …

You must use the following words in your paragraph(s).

are                  our                 there             their              they’re

Maths: I can create a set of multiples and find common multiples between tables

  1. Money grabbing coins (1p, 2p, 5p and 10p). Ask children to collect a pile of small coins (about four 10p coins and some 1p, 2p and 5p coins). They grab some of the coins and write how much they grabbed, e.g. 38p. If this is a multiple of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 they score a point for each, e.g. 24p would score 5 points (it is a multiple of 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8), but 17p would score no points. They record their scores in their homework jotter.
  2. Active Learn accounts have been updated.  Please spend time on your account.


Copy this passage neatly into your jotter.  Use these words to fill in the missing space.  Remember to use a ruler to underline the missing word.

    Vibrations        ear       bone         louder       waves       

           water                   wood                    air               wood

Sound is made by ______________.

It travels through the air in ___________.

Sound can also travel through ___________ and ___________.

If I cover my ears and hum the sound is travelling through ________.

When I put my _______ on the desk and listen to a pencil tapping the sound is ___________ than in the air. Sound travels better through __________ than _________.

Mrs Keith’s Visit to P6

This morning we were joined by Mrs Keith, the maths guru.  We were investigating fractions to find out what we already know about fractions and decimals. After Easter, we will continue this work.


Please remember shorts tomorrow for our gymnastic lesson.


P6 Homework W/B 12th March

Apologies for the late posting of homework, however, the children were given a tables sheet and food labelling sheet they could’ve been working on.


I can use apostrophes to show contractions.

Task: Contract the words that are underlined. Rewrite the poem in your jotter with the contractions in place

I would have said “I told you so”,

But you would not have listened to me.

You did not give a fiddle that someone might have caught you doing, what we all know you did.

Do not blame me that you have no tea,

You should have thought of that before.

You will go to your room and stay there until you learn!”

It is not fair!”

You may well despair as your tummy rumbles.

He who does not grumble is humble instead.

But that is not you so you are off to bed.

Very shortly,

Down the stairs he will come.


It is a shame.

We have forgiven.

She will always give you a second chance.

She is our mum.


Many children still need to spend time learning their tables.  It would be helpful if the child could have their times tables “at their fingertips”.  The times tables help the children in so many areas of maths.

Complete the table sheet to identify the tables you know and the ones you need to work on.  This sheet needs to be returned as part of your homework. This Friday (16th March) we will be having table test.  Here are some ideas to help your child learn their tables:

TGT (Team Game Tournament) children can make the cards at home.

Chant/Sing/Write the tables out (this website has links to many other websites)

Science Looking at food labels

Most packaged foods are labelled with the amounts of different nutrients in them. This can help us to choose a healthy diet. Have a look at home to see which of these foods you have. Look at the nutritional information on the packets and fill in the table with the amount of each nutrient per 100g of product. (Use the sheet given to you by Mrs Pollock).  Then answer the questions on the back of your sheet.

Gymnastics Gymnastics🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏻‍♂️🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏼‍♂️🥇

This morning we had our first gymnastics lesson in P6. Mrs Pollock was very impressed with our forward rolls and movement on the apparatus.  Clearly, last year, Mr Green taught you all he knows!!! Next time we will explore other ways to move and create a routine in our groups.

Very few children had their PE kits- only 6 children out of 29.  It’s important that everyone brings a kit but particularly important when we have gymnastics.  For healthy and safety reasons, children can’t go on the wall bars if they’re wearing tights, leggings or jogging bottoms; they need to be wearing shorts.


Project Trust Visit to P6

This morning our class was visited by Jordan Wilson from Project Trust.  She was sharing with us her work as a teacher in Namibia where she taught Art, Music, PE and Drama.  We learned what it would be like to go to school in Namibia and consider rights and responsibilities. We then worked in groups learning more about the children and considered whether their rights were being met or not. By 2030, as Global Citizens, we are hoping that there will be an end to extreme poverty so that all children’s rights can be met.

World Book Day

Well  it’s definitely a case of better late than never… World Book Day has beeen great fun and we’ve been learning lots too. First of all, we found out all about World Book Day. Then we had to find words within words and also looked at different book genres. After that, we sang at the Fair Trade Coffee morning and ate pancakes.

Then we worked in groups to solve the mystery of the winning World Book Day costume and finally we make origami book marks.  We did all of this in the morning- phew!!!!


This morning after Literacy and Numeracy we had PE. For a warm up we had skipping with the ropes. We paired up with a partner to improve our technique.  We found out that skipping is really good for give our body a good physical workout as well as giving our brain a workout.  We then played a game combining our throwing, catching as well as defending and attacking skills.

P6 Homework Week Beginning 11th December

Christmas Homework

Choose 3 colours.  You may not use any other colours.  Now colour the baubles but make sure that each one is different.  (You may use each colour more than once on any bauble if you wish.)  If you run out of baubles you can draw more on paper.  How many different designs can you make?  Use bauble sheet given to you from Mrs Pollock.

This will be the last homework until 2018!!!!

Tomorrow is our dress rehearsal at 9.15am.  Some children have still to bring in their party clothes to wear on stage.

It’s also Christmas Lunch tomorrow and, if they want, children can wear a Christmas jumper and bring in a non-perishable food item for Cumbernauld Food Bank.

Next Monday, it’s P5-7s Christmas Party.  The party will take place after lunch but children can wear their party clothes to school.  Please donate either a bottle of juice, shop bought cakes, multipack of crisps, fun size sweets/chocolate or a packet of sweets to share.

Letter to Mother Christmas

In our writing this morning we wrote a reply letter to Mother Christmas.  We were writing as Father Christmas who was apologising for leaving Mother Christmas alone every Christmas, amongst other things.  We watched a short clip of Raymond Briggs, “Father Christmas” to help us write our letter from Father Christmas’s point of view.


Six children have brought their costume in for the school show.  The children have been asked to bring in clothes they’d wear to a party as our song in the Nativity is about celebration.  Please ensure that your child’s costume is sent into school by Tuesday 11th December.

Dates to Remember:

Wednesday 13th Dec Christmas Lunch, Christmas Jumper Day, bring in a non pershiable food item for food bank.  Also Dress Rehearsal

Friday 15th Dec – Nativity morning and afternoon performances

Monday 18th Dec – P5-7 Christmas Party.  Children to wear party clothes and bring in a contribution for the party food (crisps, juice, shop bought cakes, sweets, fun size chocs etc).  Obviously the party clothes could be the same clothes worn to Nativity performances.