All posts by F.Pollock

Earth Day 🌍 🌎 🌏

After maths and assembly this morning, we spent the rest of the day learning more about Earth Day. Β We looked at ways to restore the earth from its problems of: plastic pollution, deforestation, pollution and climate change. Β We also worked collaboratively to create a piece Β of artwork and looked into the work of Greta Thunberg.

A Great Start to our Last Term

Sounds Β as if everyone had a great Easter holiday, even though we were in lockdown. Β It was super to see everyone this morning and hear everyone’s news. Β I think some children should get an earlier night tonight as a few children were struggling to stay awake in class today. Β Just as well, we had PE out in the fresh air this afternoon.


Red Nose Day

Today we all enjoyed our silly haircuts and red clothes as part of Comic Relief.  We were also presented with a certificate for coming 5th in all the classes throughout North Lanarkshire in the recent Sumdog Competition. Mr Green thought we did so well he bought all  our class a treat!  🍫

Blitz Art

This afternoon we concluded our learning about the Blitz with an art activity. Β We looked at different techniques to create the colours of the sky during the Blitz and also used marbling inks.

Remember tomorrow, for Comic Relief, you can come to school wearing read and or crazy hair.

Clydebank Blitz Activities

After our Daily Mile in the Spring sunshine, we split off in to two groups. Half the class were conducting personal research into WW2 and the other half were creating a Blitz style chalk drawing. Tomorrow afternoon, we will swap over our activities.