All posts by F.Pollock

Understanding What Muslims Believe

This afternoon we were learning about Muslim Beliefs and the Five Pillars of Islam. We worked in groups matching the 2 sentences to each of the Five Pillars of Islam and watched some video clips from The BBC learning about the life of a Muslim.

Donโ€™t forget your PE kit ย tomorrow.

Term 2 Homework

This morning each pupil was issued with Homework for Term2 . ย Please encourage your child to hand in at least 1 piece of homework every Monday and sign their sheet. ย Donโ€™t forget the children should be going onto Sumdog too for the spelling, maths and reading practice. ย  Thanks for your support.




jeudi le 11 juin

Good Morning Primary 6,

How are you today? Let’s hope the weather improves today and it’s easier to get outside.

Here are today’s tasks:



Bob has had his brand new hoverbike for a week now and heโ€™s not happy. It is not what he expected from the advertisement he read. Heโ€™s followed the instruction leaflet carefully and it still doesnโ€™t work properly.

Your task is to write a letter or email to The Iconic Transportation Company to complain about their hoverbike.

Letโ€™s remind ourselves of how to write a complaints letter. Watch this link:

Activities: I can write a formal letter or email of complaint

Think about:

  • How you feel?
  • What is wrong with the bike?
  • What you want the company to do?

Now use the template in the above video to write a letter/email of complaint. Make sure your letter is laid out as explained in the video.


Share your letter/email with someone at home or send it to me at Ask for some feedback in the form of 2 stars and 1 wish.



Activity: I can use probability vocabulary to state the chances of an event happening.


On Sumdog both P6 and P6/7 are in a probability competition, which begins at 9am, and finishes at 7pm. Spend at least 15 minutes on this competition and see if you can make it on to the top 10 leader board! There will be 200 coins awarded for anyone in the top 10.

Take care and remember to smile,

Mrs P


Developing Characterisation

This morning we were learning how to develop characters by describing what they say, how they say it and also show how the characters are behaving rather than telling.

Term 2 homework will be issued this Monday. Those children who receive music tuition from Mr McCrae need to bring their instruments on Monday.

RME- The Prodigal Son

Weโ€™ve been looking at stories that have helped to shape Christiansโ€™ beliefs. ย We watched the story of the Prodigal Son and looked critically at Rembrandtโ€™s painting of the Prodigal Son. ย Some of us chose to recreate Rembrandtโ€™s version and others decided to create their own interpretation of the Prodigal Son.



Using Adjectives to Describe the Setting.

This morning we identified adjectives used by Roald Dahl to describe Dannyโ€™s Caravan then we added some of our own. ย We used a thesaurus to come up with some โ€œpremiershipโ€ adjectives.

If you didnโ€™t bring your homework jotter in today pleas bring it in tomorrow. Donโ€™t forget your PE kit tomorrow for your session with coach.

Happy New Year ๐Ÿฅณ

Weโ€™ve had ย a great start to the new decade! ย After weโ€™d been to PE for gymnastics, we started our new class novel, โ€œDanny the Champion of the Worldโ€.

Please remember to bring in your homework jotter tomorrow and if you didnโ€™t have your PE Kit today make sure you bring it in for Wednesday when we next have PE.

Christmas Lunch

Our reindeers antlers were just the thing for our Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day.

Remember tomorrow the school is being used as a Polling Stationso school is closed for pupils. ย Christmas Shows on Friday at 9.30 am and 1.30pm.

Monday 9th December

This afternoon we looked at the story of the first Christmas and started to make our antlers that we will wear to the Christmas Lunch on Wednesday.

ย Remember tomorrow is our Christmas party and we would be grateful to receive donations of crisps, drinks, sweets, funsize or shop bought cakes. ย If you wish, you can wear your own clothes or party clothes to school tomorrow.

If you havenโ€™ t brought in your black bottoms for the show, please bring them in ASAP.

Remember, as part of our homework, you should be prepared to present your Santaโ€™s sleigh Design as a model, poster or PowerPoint on Wednesday 11th December.