All posts by F.Pollock

mercredi le 29 avril

Good Morning, it’s Wednesday already. Hope you’re all having a great week. Keep up all the great effort with your tasks 🙂

Today is International Dance Day make up a dance of your own or try one of our favourites we like to do in class!

Here are today’s activities:


There are so many heroes who are helping our country to fight Covid-19.  Look closely at this thought provoking image then answer the questions below.  Remember to ensure your answers are detailed and well punctuated.

(Image from the Literacy Shed)

  1. What do you think the phrase, “A picture is worth a thousand words” mean?
  2. List the names of the superheroes you can see in the image.
  3. What message is the creator of this image trying to get across?
  4. Can you create a title for the image?
  5. Add speech bubbles or thought clouds to the image or write them beside the names from question 2.
  6. Vocabulary challenge- use the image to help you generate at least 3 nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs and at least 1 simile or metaphor.
  7. Use some of the vocabulary to write a caption for the image.
  8. Draw a picture of your own version of an NHS superhero and post on our school Twitter account using #nhsscotland to show your gratitude for all their hard work.


Create a storyboard, story of film incorporating either the image above or your own version of a superhero.  Please share your work, as I know it’s going to be super!


Today, we are continuing with angles, however, we are going to learn how to work out the missing angle in triangle.


Let’s recap on each type of triangle:


I can find the missing angles.

All angles in an equilateral are the same.

So let’s have a look at right angled triangles. We know what one angle should be already from the name.

All 3 angles in a triangle will always add up to 180 degrees.

Be careful with each type of triangle, your knowledge about them will help you solve missing angles.

We know that a right angle is 90 degrees.

We are given another angle.

We have to work out the final angle.

So take it step by step.

All three must = 180

  1. We have 90 degrees + 55 degrees = 145

Therefore, 180 degrees – 145 degrees = 35 degrees.

The missing angle is 35 degrees.

Now try Questions b, c and d.


Draw your own example for a right angled triangle with a missing angle.

Give them to someone to try and work out (send a photo to a friend or give to a family member, or send them to me at ).


Recap verbally out loud or written each type of triangle.


I can find the missing angles.

All angles in an equilateral are the same.

So let’s have a look at right angled triangles. We know what one angle should be already from the name.



mardi le 28 avril

Good Morning Everyone,

I hope you are all well and ready for another day of short activities.


Today we are going to identify nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs from a text.


Watch this video clip to remind you of how to identify different word classes like nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs (only watch up until 3.32mins):

Please don’t worry about KS2 SATs, tests that children living in England sit in May, we don’t have them in Scotland- phew!!


Now using Chapter 21 from Danny Champion of the World, go on a nouns, verbs, adverb and adjective hunt. You may even draw these if you can. Use your book to find at least 5 for each word class write them down in your jotter. Then choose 1 of each word class and write an interesting sentence.

*Challenge* Now watch the rest of the video clip (from 3.33 mins) to learn about pronouns, determiners, prepositions and conjunctions.


Log onto Sumdog and complete the Nouns, Verbs, Adjective and Adverbs Challenge (it’s available until this Friday). There are 250 coins to collect. Good Luck! Deborah, I think I’ve managed to include your class into this challenge but will you check just incase?



Which shape am I describing?

a) I have got 2 acute angles and 2 obtuse angles.

b) I have got 3 acute angles.

c I have got 1 right angle.

d) I have got 4 acute and 4 reflex angles.

e) I have got no right angles.

f) I have got 2 acute angles and 2 obtuse angles.

Activity: I can work out supplementary angles.

Today, we are going to use the knowledge of straight lines being 180° to work out supplementary angles.

Try these:


Recap: Can you explain how to work out a missing angle on a straight line?

Until tomorrow boys and girls,

keep safe and keep smiling,

Mrs P


lundi le vingt sept avril

Morning Primary Six,

How beautiful was the weather on Saturday?  We got Rory’s paddling pool out then had a water fight which was, well….WET!  I hope you managed to have some fun too.

Remember, if you have any questions, you can e-mail me or comment on the blog and I will get back to you.



It’s been over 3 weeks since we last read our class novel,  so please skim and scan the last chapter we read, Chapter 20, to remind yourself of what happened. Now verbally tell someone at home what happened in Chapter 20 (summarise).


Skim and scan Chapter 20 then draw out (take on the role of the illustrator) a last memory from Chapter 20.


Follow this link and read Chapter 21- “Doc Spencer’s Surprise”.

(scroll to P87 to find the start of Chapter 21).

  • Why did Danny’s father give Sergeant Samways a funny look?
  • Were you surprised by this chapter? Why or why not?

Look at this vocabulary taken from Chapter 21: hush – constable – dismount – scoundrel – neutral – absurd – rogue – infernal – resplendent – entice – uproar

Write a sentence to explain the meaning of some of these words. Use a dictionary or an online dictionary to look up unfamiliar words.


Put each word into a sentence of your own. Ensure your sentence makes sense and the word is being used in the correct context.


Pick a section from Chapter 21. Practise reading with plenty of expression, showing awareness of punctuation and fluency. Ask if someone is able to listen to you read the section. Then ask them for a star (something you did well e.g. you read at a good pace; pausing when required for punctuation or for dramatic affect) and a wish (your next step, something to work on next time e.g. Using expression to make it more exciting and engage your listener).


This week, we are going to recap on angles and relate this to compass directions.

Today, we are doing a short activity on types of angles.


Watch the 2 short videos on this link and then complete the short quiz at the bottom.


I can recognise and identify angles.

Write the name of each angle (acute, right angle, obtuse, straight angle, reflex).

Write estimated degrees for each angle using your knowledge of each type of angle.

(You can draw these angles out and colour -code the type of angle if you wish or just write the answers next to the letters).



On Active Learn, you will see in your allocated games “Reel it in Game 14”. You can choose your level of difficulty by choosing Bronze, Silver or Gold.

Remember, to log in you use the first 4 letters of your first name followed by the first 4 letters of your second name.

Your password should be woodlands (any issues comment or e-mail me).

The school code is” 6KWA”

Until tomorrow everyone keep well and stay safe,

Mrs P x


vendredi le 24 avril

Happy Friday!

I can’t believe that’s another week over already, boys and girls.

Which means it is 1 week closer to seeing all of your faces.

Today, is the final paragraph for your report- Literacy.


Think back in time, to different pieces of writing you have created over the year. Think about your narrative writing, did you have a favourite? Maybe you enjoyed free writing, or maybe it was your Halloween Thriller.

Why was this your favourite? Did you use good techniques? Did you use good V.C.O.P? Did you include a metaphor, simile, onomatopoeia? Did you feel proud?  Where you awarded the Star Writer?

Brainstorm the novels you have read and the work you have done on them. Think about your class novels Diary of a Wimpy Kid or Danny the Champion of the World (still to complete). Did you enjoy them? Why?/ Why not? Think about your group novels and tasks, how did you get on? Can you summarise? Can you work out the meaning of tricky words? Can you find techniques used by the author? Can you describe characters?


I can identify 3 strengths and a next step

Today, I would like you to write a short paragraph about your progress, thoughts and feelings about your effort in Literacy. Remember to reflect on some of the things mentioned above. I would like you to focus on you strengths (at least 3) and one next step. What are you proud of? What would you like to get better at?


Can you add reflect on Talking and Listening activities. Think about our class novel or your group novel; did you listen well? Did you engage in the activities? Did you participate in discussions? Did you listen and watch the film clips?

Do you respect the opinions of your group when discussing your books? Do you add on to others opinions?

Listening could be what you want to work on next, maybe you want to participate more to group and class discussions.

Think about giving personal talks/ presentations to the class.

You might wish to comment on your handwriting (letter size and joins) and spelling (tests and using day to day basis) too. Do you use Sumdog spelling and reading or IDL? How do you find them?



As always, check over your work. Make sure you are happy with it, have been honest and are feeling proud of yourself for all of the things you have been able to write down that you can do. I am very proud of you all this year.

REMEMBER, please send me your paragraphs from this week, even if you send a picture of them all today because you had forgotten. I would LOVE to read them!

Send to

Mental Starter:

Select at least Level 5 (on top left hand corner of screen) then choose Doubles/Halves.


Today we are going to learn about polyhedrons or polyhedral (they both mean the same). For many of you this will be new learning but don’t panic just watch this video clip and you’ll learn how to name polyhedrons and work out if a shape is a polyhedron or not.

I can identify polyhedrons (Polyhedra)




Have a go at the explore section on P39.



Have a go at Friday’s Shape Challenge on Sumdog. There are 250 possible coins to collect. Good Luck!!

Enjoy your weekend boys and girls. Stay safe.

Mrs P

jeudi le 23 avril

Morning P6, how are we all today?

Keep up the great effort with your home learning and thanks to those of you who have sent me parts of your very own report cards. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading them.

Mental Starter:

Select at least Level 5 (on top left hand corner of screen) then choose Rounding.


Today we are building on yesterday’s plenary which asked you to think about the nets of shapes. Today we are going to look at different nets and ask what 3-d shape will they make?

I can identify a 3d shape from its net


Can you make any nets from the above page to construct a 3 –d Shape?



Today, I want you to take on the role of the teacher again. Pretend you have taught a student just like yourself and are writing the report. Reports highlight all of the things you are able to do and give a next step.

Think about your learning of maths over the year. Think way back to the beginning if you can to Place Value, how many digits are in the highest number you can say? Can you partition them to say what each digit is worth? Are you going to continue working on rounding perhaps?

Think about addition and subtraction and all of your mental strategies, do you find a certain one easier to use or trickier?

Multiplication; how do you feel about your tables? Have you been practising? Can you multiply 2 digits by 1 digit or 3 digits by 2 or perhaps 3 digit by 1 digit etc.

Think about Division, did you learn any top tips? Was the formal method tricky? Think about Shape – can you describe 2D and 3D shapes (faces, vertices, sides) can you create a 3D shape from a net?

Think about angles- can you name them? Can you measure them?


I can identify 2 strengths and 2 next steps

Once you have warmed your brain up, answering those questions and thinking back. Perhaps looking back at the work you were doing from home before the Easter Holidays, can you identify at least 2 strengths from any topic within maths (something you can confidently do independently) and 2 next steps (something you would like more practise with).



Can you identify more than 2 strengths? Can you identify 1 from each maths topic mentioned above?



As always, check over your short paragraph, make sure it makes sense to read aloud and send it over to let me have a read J


mercredi le 22 avril

Morning Everyone,

Wow! Thanks to all those people who yesterday emailed their paragraphs.  I loved reading them.

Today is Earth Day – 22nd April is an annual event celebrated around the world to demonstrate support for environmental protection. Think of what you can do to help the Earth.

Protecting our Planet Starts with YOU!  Think about:

  1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  2. Conserve water
  3. Shop wisely – less plastic bags and bring reusable shopping bag
  4. Use long lasting light bulbs
  5. Plant a tree – trees produce food and oxygen


Mental Starter:

Select at least Level 5 (on top left hand corner of screen) then choose Digit Values.


Today we are going to revise Three- Dimensional Shapes (3D Shapes) then move onto pyramids and prisms.

Remember a pyramid gets its name from its base and a prism gets its name from its 2 identical end shapes. Before completing the page below, watch this short video clip which explains the difference between a pyramid and a prism.


Write the number of faces, edges and vertices for each shape (1-19) on P37.


Look around your home for 3D objects such as cupboards, books, sweet tins, food packaging. Draw some different items, then sketch what they think the net of each might be.


This morning I would like you to pretend we are having our learner conversation. I would like you to brainstorm (written or verbal)

  • some of the things you’ve enjoyed this year;
  • subjects you feel you’ve progressed in, have been proud of;
  • subjects you maybe don’t enjoy;
  • things you would like to do when we return to school;
  • anything you would like to set yourself as your goal to achieve when you come back and
  • what have you missed now that you are away from school.


I can reflect on my year including my likes, dislikes, accomplishments and goals.

Now I would like you to write a short paragraph in your own words about your year of P6. Pretend it is just like your learner conversation you will be having with me when we return to school.


As always, read over your work please and brighten up my day by e-mailing me a copy of your paragraph to

mardi le 21 avril

Good Morning Primary 6

I hope you are all staying active, going for a walk, jog or bike ride but getting out in the Spring sunshine and fresh air! Yesterday, Rory and I went a walk looking for signs of Spring and he also climbed some trees- I had to close my eyes!!!


So today, we are thinking about the “Teacher Comment” section. I would like you to take some thinking time, as much as you need, possibly discuss with someone else and think back to feedback I have given you, conversations we have had, all of the work you have done, things you are proud of and pretend to be me.


I can take on the role of someone else.

I can highlight my successes and a next step.

You, for this paragraph today, are taking on the role (bit of Drama) as Mrs Pollock.  This is like a “hot seat” technique in Drama, I would like you to take on the role of me and write a short paragraph of what you think I might say about you. Here are some possible ideas but you can add in your own too:

  • how well you work in class, how you get on with other children,
  • how your treat other people,
  • are you kind to everyone,
  • do you have a good sense of humour,
  • where you’ve had success in class,
  • if you’ve helped around the class and school.

Finally, can you think of possible next step I could give you to try and achieve next year?


Read back over your paragraph before sending; check any spelling, punctuation and grammar. Reading aloud to an empty room or to someone else can help.

Don’t forget to e-mail it to me! I can’t wait to read your responses  I’ve replied to everyone who sent me work yesterday- it really was great to hear from you!



Select at least Level 5 (on top left hand corner of screen) then choose Partitioning



In our lesson today we are building on yesterday’s work of calculating perimeters of rectangles so today we are going to calculate the perimeter of polygons.

A polygon is a flat, two-dimensional (2D) shape with straight sides that is fully closed (all the sides are joined up). The sides must be straight. Polygons may have any number of sides. Click on this link below to learn more about polygons.

Now complete the page below. I can calculate the perimeters of polygons.





For Q1-7 write the name of each regular polygon.

For Q8-11 write the name of each irregular polygon.


On Sumdog I’ve created a Perimeter Assessment for you to complete. You’ve only got until tomorrow at 4pm to complete it. Good Luck!

lundi le 20 avril

Welcome back everyone!

I hope you and your family are safe and well and that you have had a relaxing break together this Easter, despite the Lockdown.  Now that we are at the start of what would be Term 4, it feels very strange not returning to school as normal, but remember this Lockdown won’t be forever.

I’d love to hear from you and see any tasks that you would like to share with me. You can do this by clicking on the leave a comment tab at the top of this page.



As you might know, the teachers are writing your reports. We would usually have our learner conversations to chat with you all individually to find out about your thoughts and opinions of your year, Miss Park and I were thinking you could all write a wee paragraph underneath the headings each day and e-mail your responses to us.

Firstly, brainstorm either in your head, out loud to someone, on call to a friend or written down, 6 favourite moments of your P6 year so far (this could be related to a piece of work, a game, new friendship, something in class, in the playground,  when Mrs Rutherford or Mrs McMillan covered the class, assembly etc).



I can reflect on things I am proud of from P6

Wider Achievements

Write a short paragraph, explaining things you are proud of from school or out with school since August 2009 until now.

This could include things such as:

  • achieving a goal you set yourself related to school, hobby or a club
  • taking part in school activity days such as ECO day, Sports Relief
  • presenting in front of the class, another class or assembly
  • achieving class Star Pupil, Star Writer, Sumdog Winner of the Week etc
  • winning an award, trophy of certificate at a club in or outside school
  • being part of Eco Committee, PAG or JRSO

Basically, this can be anything at all you feel proud of but don’t include Pest of the Week  🙂


Read back over your paragraph to a relative or friend and check for any mistakes.

This can be typed, written and photographed and please send it to

I cannot wait to read your responses. I will get back to you once I have read them. Looking forward to hearing from you all as I am missing you all very much.


Mental Starter:

Select at least Level 5 (on top left hand corner of screen) then choose Ordering.

You will be asked 10 questions. Write down your answers in your jotter then at the end of the test you can check your answers to see how many you got correct.


Today we are going to learn how to calculate perimeter. If you can add up then you’ll fine calculating perimeter easy. Before you begin the page below, watch this clip below;

Now complete this text book page: I can calculate perimeters of rectangles.



To calculate the area of a rectangle, we multiply the length by the breadth so in Q1 the area would be 30cm x 50cm = 1500cm ². Write the area for each picture from Q2-Q9. Don’t forget to write cm ² after your answer.


You have an individual game to play on Active Learn. The game “Marching Madness” should be available for you to access. You can choose your preferred difficulty of Bronze, Silver or Gold.

Your username should be the first 4 letters of your first name, first 4 letters of your surname, if your name only has 3 letters then it’s those 3 and first 4 of your surname. I’ve reset everyone’s password should be woodlands and the school code is 6kwa

vendredi le 3 avril

Happy Friday, Primary 6!

It’s the last day before the Easter Holidays.  This Easter Break is different to any we have experienced before so please look on the next two weeks as just that, a break and time to relax with your family! Everyone is still adjusting to the times we find ourselves in and a break from thinking about school is well deserved!

ABC Creative Home School is now up and running at

This resource is free to all parents – you just need to register and set up a password to use.

We have adapted our award-winning resources for schools and nurseries so that parents and other adult caregivers can confidently teach their children music at home. Even if you have no musical experience, we promise our resources are easy to use.

ABC Music Home School offers the following: –

  • age-targeted activity plans for parents and children
  • online interactive music, games & videos
  • timetable of video music lessons delivered by trainer on screen
  • downloadable worksheets
  • downloadable virtual instruments for phones and tablets
  • material to learn French and Spanish through music
  • resources for learning literacy and numeracy with music

We offer a range of easy to use material from Early Years to the end of Primary, focussing initially on Early Years to P3.

We are adding more material every day. We will also have a regular programme of online music lessons parents and children can watch together –

these will introduce parents to activities and resources on the website as well as being fun and engaging for children.

Simply go to the website to register today.

Please share far and wide and remember this resource is free!!

If you have any questions please email me



How many words can you find? Find as many as you can. Remember proper nouns like people’s names or names of towns and countries, abbreviations and hyphenated words are not allowed. Think about looking for phonemes ss, sh, ea, wh prefixes like dis ,de, re, im, in at the start of a word and suffixes for example ing, ion, ate, ed, ly, able at the end of a word.


Scoring 3 letter word 2 points

4 letter word 3 points

5 letter word 4 points

6 letter word 5 points

7 letter word 6 points,

* 8 letter word or more 11 points

Time     3 minutes or more if you need it.

The letters must be touching the next letter of the word horizontally, vertically, diagonally, left, right, up or down. Letters must join in the proper sequence to spell a word.


Write your own 25 letters together. 5 rows with 5 letters in each row as shown in the photo and see how many words you can get this time, try to write them down as quickly as you can. Don’t forget to calculate your score at the end of each game that you play.

Now put all of your words in alphabetical order, looking carefully at the 2nd, 3rd, 4th letters and so on.


Try to use all of these words, spelled correctly in sentences, a short story, song or poem.

we are going to finish the week off by solving addition and subtraction calculations using the formal methods.



Explain verbally to someone, the steps to success for completing an addition calculation. e,g. 54 + 78 =


Explain verbally to someone, the steps to success for completing a subtraction calculation. Eg. 62 -58 =

Activity: I can read the world problems carefully.

I can work out which type of calculation to use.

I can solve the calculation working from the units up.

I can exchange / carry.

  1. George read three books in January, which had 173 pages, 206 pages and 139 pages. How many pages did George read altogether?
  2. Shannon has been keeping a track of the number of calories she eats. On Monday she consumes 1760 calories. On Tuesday she consumes thirty more than Monday, and on Wednesday she consumes the same as Tuesday. How many calories had she consumed over the 3 days?
  3. Sally bought 3 photo frames, each costing £7.58. She paid with £30.

How much change did she get?

  1. In a lorry, there were 48512 pieces of fruit. 21235 were bananas and 13621 were oranges. How many apples were there in the lorry?


PE with Joe views:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
4,979,626 3,396,834 2,706,863 1,888,069
  1. How many viewers had Joe had by Tuesday?
  2. By Mid-week, how many views had Joe had?
  3. How many viewers altogether did Joe get?
  4. If Joe decided that Wednesday would be rest day, how many views would he have had by the end of the week?


Have a go at this game on Top Marks:


Everyone keep safe and look after each other,

Mrs P

jeudi le 2 avril

Morning Everyone,

How are you doing today?  I hope there weren’t too many April Fools’ tricks played on you yesterday! I wonder what’s been your favourite thing to do so far this week?

Some of  you might be keen to know:


Literacy- I can use colons and semi-colons.


Watch this video: it explains how we can use colons and semi-colons can join two sentences.

Remember: there are other reasons why we use colons and semi-colons.


Meet two new types of punctuation ; and : They can be used to join two sentences but also used for other reasons too. Read these explanations to help you.


  • Used to introduce a list.
  • Or a summary.
  • Or an example.
  • Or a quotation.
  • Introduces a second clause that explains the first.


  • Used to separate two closely linked clauses.
  • Shows there is some link between two things it separates.
  • Can be used to separate complicated items in a list (where a comma won’t do the job so well).

Exercise A:

Read each of these examples and match them to the explanations above.

  1. My teacher always says: “The colon is a funny little mark.”
  2. We have learned the following: salt dissolves in water.
  3. The water evaporated; I said it would.
  4. Salt dissolves in water; sugar does too.
  5. Our saucers contained salt; water and sugar; salt and water; sugar and water and water on its own.
  6. The water evaporated; it turned into water vapour.
  7. For this experiment you will need: a glass of water, a teaspoon of salt.
  8. Some materials dissolve, for example: salt in water, sugar in coffee.

You don’t need to write out the sentences again just set your work out like this:

Sentence 1- colon used for quotation

Sentence 2 –colon used for _______.


Look at these sentences. Should it have a colon or a semi colon?

Write them out neatly and add in the colon or semicolon:

  1. Here is what you need _____ an egg, a candle and a piece of string.
  2. I like playtime _____ Josh does too.
  3. This story teaches us the lesson _____don’t count your chickens before they hatched.
  4. Playtime was cancelled ______ we were not pleased!


Read a book, newspaper, magazine or article online. Scan your text for colons and semicolons. Can you explain why they have been used?

Today we are going to focus on using the method of using doubles/ near doubles/ halves to solve addition and subtraction calculations mentally.


Use Hit the Button and have a go at the options for doubles and then for halves and have a practise.


You have an individual game to play on Active Learn. The game “Robot Revenge” should be available for you to access. You can choose your preferred difficulty of Bronze, Silver or Gold.

Your username should be the first 4 letters of your first name, first 4 letters of your surname, if your name only has 3 letters then it’s those 3 and first 4 of your surname.  I’ve reset everyone’s password should be woodlands and the school code is 6kwa

I can identify and match the doubles and halves.


Play a game of doubles bingo with a family member or friend over Facetime. Draw a grid of 6 and choose values which are the answer to a double. Ask each other “ do you have double…”  e.g.  “do you have double 40?”

“I have 80” and cross it out.

Or play it where you write down a number and ask if someone has half e.g. “Do you have half of 80” , “I have 40”. etc

Until tomorrow P6.  Stay safe and remember to stay cool!

Mrs P