P5/6 Homework Week Beginning 15th May

Maths Continue Data Handling

Misleading? – Look through the newspaper or a news website together and find articles displaying data or statistics of any sort.  Consider or discuss together how accurate this data is, and whether or not it has been presented in such a way as to mislead or influence the reader.  If a good example is found, ask your child to bring it into school for discussion.

Switch It!  – Look online or in the newspapers to find information that has been presented as a table, pie chart, bar graph or line graph.  Challenge your child to take the information and change it to a different form (e.g. from a pie chart into a table).  How does this affect the way we think about the information?  Bring an example into class to discuss with the teacher.

Website 1 – http://www.skysports.com A rich source of tables to analyse and interpret.

Website 2 – http://www.mathsisfun.com/data/data-graph.php A simple tool for creating bar graphs, line graphs and pie charts.

Website 3 –  http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/maths/handling_data/representing_data/revision/1/ An excellent website for rehearsing and extending knowledge and skills linked to displaying and interpreting data.  This is quite challenging.

Website 4 – http://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/data-handling A range of interactive data analysis activities.


Literacy – Subject/verb agreement

In a sentence, the subject and verb must agree with each other.

The boy was playing. Some children were playing.

Task 1 Choose the correct form of the verb to agree with the subject in each sentence.

  1. The dogs_______________ barking. was/were
  2. Jamie ________________chocolate. like/likes
  3. The boy ______________toothache. has/have
  4. Foxes_______________ chickens. eat/eats
  5. Who________________ it? did/done

Task 2 Write these sentences correctly.

  1. We was late for dinner. _________________________
  2. I wants a cake. __________________________
  3. The bike are broken. ____________________________
  4. Badgers lives underground. _______________________
  5. She were swimming. ____________________________

Health and Well Being

How many times can you Beat the Street?  Will you walk, cycle or run?   Don’t forget 2 hits = 1 point.  Make sure an adult knows where you are going and who you are going with! Remember if you take a selfie and send it to the school’s blog or show Mr Green or Mr McMullan you will be entered into a prize draw.

Songs for the Summer Show

Learn the lyrics for both songs.  Children have been given a copy of the lyrics for both songs.

P5s- Hey Brother and Islands in the Stream

P6s- Ho Hey and Dance the Night Away

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