Design the honey label competition
Success Criteria:
• I can make my label, bright, colourful and clear.
• I can include a name for our farm, name for the honey, date it was made and nutritional information.
• I can design a logo for the honey and include a motto.
There will be a winner from each house, plus an overall winner, which will be used for our actual honey jars in the summer.
The four winners will get 1,000, 750, 500 and 250 respectively. The overall winner will get 2000 house points.
Designs will be judged on the success criteria.
The children’s entries need to have their name, class and house on it.
They can use this template or design their own – their choice.
If children want to design them on a computer and print them out, that’s fine. If required, templates are available form Mrs Pollock.
Some designs for you to consider: