Online Assembly

This morning we took part in our online assembly. Mr Green reminded us of expected behaviour in the playground and explained about our special Halloweโ€™en themed day next Friday. As part of our writing, we started our poetry work. We were Identifying types of poetry and some of their features.

Welcome Back!

It was lovely to see most of P6/7A back at school today. Weโ€™ve gone over this weekโ€™s homework. Please ensure you complete the homework by next Sunday and donโ€™t forget to upload a photo of your homework. This afternoon we went into the hall for our Yoga. We enjoyed our Cosmic Kids Yoga Session.

Developing the Young Workforce police ๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™‚๏ธ ๐Ÿš’ ๐Ÿš‘

This afternoon, as part of our work on Developing the Young Workforce, we wereย learning about the job of a police officer and the different roles with Police Scotland. ย Grant, the Paramedic, also made a little video to reply to the questions we sent him. ย As ย you ย can see from some of the photos, we gave this Developing the Young Workforce Week 10/10 .

Everyone keep safe during the October Break. Remember to keep washing your hands and wear a face mask.

Mrs P

Chemical Changes

This afternoon we carried out two experiments that both involved chemical changes. ย In theย first experiment, we created Casein Plastic from warm milk and vinegar. ย Then in our second experiment, ย we created carbon dioxide gas from vinegar and bicarbonate of soda. We were amazed to discover that the gas could actually blow up our balloons ๐ŸŽˆย ๐ŸŽˆย  Both experiments were irreversible.