jeudi le 4 juin

Good Morning Girls and Boys.

How are you all today?  Have you checked our very own You Tuber,  Mrs McMillan?  She’s posted another video all about Sunshine Meditation.  Why don’t you take a moment and check it out?  Here’s the link:

Here are today’s tasks:



Today, we are looking at similes.

Watch the video below and see if you can guess the simile as he draws it:


A simile describes something by saying it is like something else.

You compare two things and can use the words “like” or “as”.

This poem below uses similes to describe what a meal is like.

How to make a meal

You need:

A plate as round as the moon,

Potatoes like White Mountains.

Broccoli like forest trees,

A sausage roll like a lumpy log,

And gravy as thick as mud.

I can create a poem using similes.

Can you create a poem for a dessert? Which dessert will you choose to describe?


Share your poem with someone at home, a friend on the phone or myself through email:



In our lesson today we are moving onto converting m into km. Useful facts:

1 km = 1,000m

0.5km = ½ km = 500m

0.25km = ¼ km = 250m

If you need to, you can watch the video I posted on Monday with more information of how to convert from metres to kilometres and vice versa.


















Try your best Primary 6 and have a good day.

Mrs P

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