vendredi le 15 mai

Good morning everyone, can you believe it is Friday again and we’re just about halfway through May?

I hope you are all safe and keeping well.  Here are today’s activities:



Log onto Epic

Then enter the code: uzc7238 (This is the classcode.)

Select a book of your own choice. How many book on Epic have you managed to read this week?

Activities: I can use its and it’s correctly.

Many people get confused with its and it’s. Remember:

it’s is the shortened form of it is

its is to do with belonging, something that belongs to it.

You DON’T need to write this passage out in your jotter. Just write 1-23 (there are 23 missing words) and decide whether you should write its or it’s.

Here are 1-8

And 9-23


Create a poster to teach others or when to use its and when to use it’s.



Using yesterday’s task, can you say how many jumps are there between each number?


  1. -4   and   -7

It takes 3 jumps to get from one to the other.

Try 12 – 19


Activity: I can count on and back between positive and negative numbers.




Create your own question that involves negative numbers, it can be something similar to what you have done this week. Give it to someone else to solve. You can even e-mail me it:

Enjoy you weekend, hopefully in the sun, and I’ll be back on Monday.

Stay safe and remember to keep smiling,

Mrs P


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