jeudi le 30 avril

Good Morning, Everyone!

How are we all today? I can’t believe we’re at the end of April already!  Are you managing to get outside, exercise and help around the house?

I have been checking to see how some of you are getting on with Sumdog. Well done to OT, ST, TW, FW, MS and AK who have all been working on Sumdog this week.  OT you’ve been on Sumdog the most this week and yesterday TW had the most correct answers in maths, MS had the most amount of answers correct for grammar- super effort girls!  Are they going to remain top of the leader boards or will someone knock them off today?

Here are today’s activities- remember just try your best!

In our Literacy today, we are going to revise the use of an apostrophe for contractions.


Watch this video, to remind you of how to use apostrophes in contractions:

Activity: I can use apostrophes for contractions.



Now use your improved skills to play this apostrophe for contraction





a)       180 – 40 =

b)      180 – 134=

c)       46 + 59 + ____ =180


I can find the missing angle in a scalene triangle.

Today, we are going to look at scalene (these all have different degrees but will all add up to 180 degrees).


a)       We are given two angles. We add them up. Then take the answer away from 180 degrees to find the missing angle.

108 degrees + 42 degrees = 150 degrees.

180 degrees – 150 degrees = 30 degrees.

So the missing angle is 30 degrees.


Now try b, c, d and e.


Draw out your own example of a Scalene angle.



Describe a Scalene triangle.

Remember during this time,  Thursdays are Thank you Thursdays. Think of all the delivery workers, postal workers, bin men/women, home care workers, NHS workers and police officers and I know some of your parents work in these areas.  If you can,  join in the clap of thanks at 8pm tonight.  I know it’s the highlight of Rory’s week and it cheers me up too.

Stay Safe and Keep Smiling,

Mrs P


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