Morning P6, how are we all today?
Keep up the great effort with your home learning and thanks to those of you who have sent me parts of your very own report cards. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading them.
Mental Starter:
Select at least Level 5 (on top left hand corner of screen) then choose Rounding.
Today we are building on yesterday’s plenary which asked you to think about the nets of shapes. Today we are going to look at different nets and ask what 3-d shape will they make?
I can identify a 3d shape from its net
Can you make any nets from the above page to construct a 3 –d Shape?
Today, I want you to take on the role of the teacher again. Pretend you have taught a student just like yourself and are writing the report. Reports highlight all of the things you are able to do and give a next step.
Think about your learning of maths over the year. Think way back to the beginning if you can to Place Value, how many digits are in the highest number you can say? Can you partition them to say what each digit is worth? Are you going to continue working on rounding perhaps?
Think about addition and subtraction and all of your mental strategies, do you find a certain one easier to use or trickier?
Multiplication; how do you feel about your tables? Have you been practising? Can you multiply 2 digits by 1 digit or 3 digits by 2 or perhaps 3 digit by 1 digit etc.
Think about Division, did you learn any top tips? Was the formal method tricky? Think about Shape – can you describe 2D and 3D shapes (faces, vertices, sides) can you create a 3D shape from a net?
Think about angles- can you name them? Can you measure them?
I can identify 2 strengths and 2 next steps
Once you have warmed your brain up, answering those questions and thinking back. Perhaps looking back at the work you were doing from home before the Easter Holidays, can you identify at least 2 strengths from any topic within maths (something you can confidently do independently) and 2 next steps (something you would like more practise with).
Can you identify more than 2 strengths? Can you identify 1 from each maths topic mentioned above?
As always, check over your short paragraph, make sure it makes sense to read aloud and send it over to let me have a read J