mercredi le 22 avril

Morning Everyone,

Wow! Thanks to all those people who yesterday emailed their paragraphs.  I loved reading them.

Today is Earth Day – 22nd April is an annual event celebrated around the world to demonstrate support for environmental protection. Think of what you can do to help the Earth.

Protecting our Planet Starts with YOU!  Think about:

  1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  2. Conserve water
  3. Shop wisely – less plastic bags and bring reusable shopping bag
  4. Use long lasting light bulbs
  5. Plant a tree – trees produce food and oxygen


Mental Starter:

Select at least Level 5 (on top left hand corner of screen) then choose Digit Values.


Today we are going to revise Three- Dimensional Shapes (3D Shapes) then move onto pyramids and prisms.

Remember a pyramid gets its name from its base and a prism gets its name from its 2 identical end shapes. Before completing the page below, watch this short video clip which explains the difference between a pyramid and a prism.


Write the number of faces, edges and vertices for each shape (1-19) on P37.


Look around your home for 3D objects such as cupboards, books, sweet tins, food packaging. Draw some different items, then sketch what they think the net of each might be.


This morning I would like you to pretend we are having our learner conversation. I would like you to brainstorm (written or verbal)

  • some of the things you’ve enjoyed this year;
  • subjects you feel you’ve progressed in, have been proud of;
  • subjects you maybe don’t enjoy;
  • things you would like to do when we return to school;
  • anything you would like to set yourself as your goal to achieve when you come back and
  • what have you missed now that you are away from school.


I can reflect on my year including my likes, dislikes, accomplishments and goals.

Now I would like you to write a short paragraph in your own words about your year of P6. Pretend it is just like your learner conversation you will be having with me when we return to school.


As always, read over your work please and brighten up my day by e-mailing me a copy of your paragraph to

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