mardi le 21 avril

Good Morning Primary 6

I hope you are all staying active, going for a walk, jog or bike ride but getting out in the Spring sunshine and fresh air! Yesterday, Rory and I went a walk looking for signs of Spring and he also climbed some trees- I had to close my eyes!!!


So today, we are thinking about the “Teacher Comment” section. I would like you to take some thinking time, as much as you need, possibly discuss with someone else and think back to feedback I have given you, conversations we have had, all of the work you have done, things you are proud of and pretend to be me.


I can take on the role of someone else.

I can highlight my successes and a next step.

You, for this paragraph today, are taking on the role (bit of Drama) as Mrs Pollock.  This is like a “hot seat” technique in Drama, I would like you to take on the role of me and write a short paragraph of what you think I might say about you. Here are some possible ideas but you can add in your own too:

  • how well you work in class, how you get on with other children,
  • how your treat other people,
  • are you kind to everyone,
  • do you have a good sense of humour,
  • where you’ve had success in class,
  • if you’ve helped around the class and school.

Finally, can you think of possible next step I could give you to try and achieve next year?


Read back over your paragraph before sending; check any spelling, punctuation and grammar. Reading aloud to an empty room or to someone else can help.

Don’t forget to e-mail it to me! I can’t wait to read your responses  I’ve replied to everyone who sent me work yesterday- it really was great to hear from you!



Select at least Level 5 (on top left hand corner of screen) then choose Partitioning



In our lesson today we are building on yesterday’s work of calculating perimeters of rectangles so today we are going to calculate the perimeter of polygons.

A polygon is a flat, two-dimensional (2D) shape with straight sides that is fully closed (all the sides are joined up). The sides must be straight. Polygons may have any number of sides. Click on this link below to learn more about polygons.

Now complete the page below. I can calculate the perimeters of polygons.





For Q1-7 write the name of each regular polygon.

For Q8-11 write the name of each irregular polygon.


On Sumdog I’ve created a Perimeter Assessment for you to complete. You’ve only got until tomorrow at 4pm to complete it. Good Luck!

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