Morning Everyone,
How are you doing today? I hope there weren’t too many April Fools’ tricks played on you yesterday! I wonder what’s been your favourite thing to do so far this week?
Some of you might be keen to know:
Literacy- I can use colons and semi-colons.
Watch this video: it explains how we can use colons and semi-colons can join two sentences.
Remember: there are other reasons why we use colons and semi-colons.
Meet two new types of punctuation ; and : They can be used to join two sentences but also used for other reasons too. Read these explanations to help you.
- Used to introduce a list.
- Or a summary.
- Or an example.
- Or a quotation.
- Introduces a second clause that explains the first.
- Used to separate two closely linked clauses.
- Shows there is some link between two things it separates.
- Can be used to separate complicated items in a list (where a comma won’t do the job so well).
Exercise A:
Read each of these examples and match them to the explanations above.
- My teacher always says: “The colon is a funny little mark.”
- We have learned the following: salt dissolves in water.
- The water evaporated; I said it would.
- Salt dissolves in water; sugar does too.
- Our saucers contained salt; water and sugar; salt and water; sugar and water and water on its own.
- The water evaporated; it turned into water vapour.
- For this experiment you will need: a glass of water, a teaspoon of salt.
- Some materials dissolve, for example: salt in water, sugar in coffee.
You don’t need to write out the sentences again just set your work out like this:
Sentence 1- colon used for quotation
Sentence 2 –colon used for _______.
Look at these sentences. Should it have a colon or a semi colon?
Write them out neatly and add in the colon or semicolon:
- Here is what you need _____ an egg, a candle and a piece of string.
- I like playtime _____ Josh does too.
- This story teaches us the lesson _____don’t count your chickens before they hatched.
- Playtime was cancelled ______ we were not pleased!
Read a book, newspaper, magazine or article online. Scan your text for colons and semicolons. Can you explain why they have been used?
Today we are going to focus on using the method of using doubles/ near doubles/ halves to solve addition and subtraction calculations mentally.
Use Hit the Button and have a go at the options for doubles and then for halves and have a practise.
You have an individual game to play on Active Learn. The game “Robot Revenge” should be available for you to access. You can choose your preferred difficulty of Bronze, Silver or Gold.
Your username should be the first 4 letters of your first name, first 4 letters of your surname, if your name only has 3 letters then it’s those 3 and first 4 of your surname. I’ve reset everyone’s password should be woodlands and the school code is 6kwa
I can identify and match the doubles and halves.
Play a game of doubles bingo with a family member or friend over Facetime. Draw a grid of 6 and choose values which are the answer to a double. Ask each other “ do you have double…” e.g. “do you have double 40?”
“I have 80” and cross it out.
Or play it where you write down a number and ask if someone has half e.g. “Do you have half of 80” , “I have 40”. etc
Until tomorrow P6. Stay safe and remember to stay cool!
Mrs P
Hi Mrs Pollock! I’ve been ill for the past three days so I couldn’t complete the work!
I’m very sorry. Also tell Rory I said hello!
Hi Jessica,
I am sorry to read that you have been ill. Are you feeling better now? Please don’t worry about the work. Just do what you can and don’t worry about what you’ve missed. I hope you, Rebecca, your mum, your dad and your dog are all ok. Tell Rebecca she’s to be extra nice to you because you’ve been poorly!!!!
Stay Safe Mrs P