mercredi le 25 mars

Good Morning Everyone,

I hope you are all doing o’k and managing to keep safe.  Yesterday, Maya and Isla spotted “my deliberate mistakes” –   the shape was missing from Q14 of the mental maths.  I can’t seem to draw shapes on this blog so I’ll have to describe it to you…. it’s a quadrilateral, has 1 pair of parallel lines and 1 pair of equal sides.

In the Activities, Q7 was missing some numbers.  It should’ve looked like this:

7) 891, 998 ___ 819, 998


Q4. The perimeter is the length of the outline of a shape. To find the perimeter of a rectangle or square you have to add the lengths of all the four sides.

Activity: I can order large numbers

Write these numbers in order, from smallest to largest:

  1.  668 138    875 981    756 343   857 909
  2. 674 231   670 321     647 231     607 231
  3. 990 741   909 742     990 471      909 472
  4. 85 431      85 341      72 853     78 235
  5. 278 316   300 265     301 256     287 361
  6.  421 791  502 689  503 986  427 119
  7. 70 991     57 091    57 099    69 999

Which is the largest number? Which is the smallest number?


Write the last 6 digits of your phone number or someone’s at home.

Make the largest number you can using these digits.

Make the smallest.

Make the number nearest to 100 000, 200 000, 300 000,  …

1 000 000


Look at each pair of numbers:

3876               1378

1514                 3120

3108                1380

5106                4798

Think of three numbers that are between each pair of numbers. Write them in your jotter.


Today we are going to look at using some punctuation. Using colons, semi-colons and dashes can be tricky. Let us take a look at semi-colons first.

Watch this starter video below to remind ourselves when is appropriate to use each.



We use semi colons to connect two RELATED but independent parts of a sentence together:

Mrs Pollock loves crisps; cheese and onion are her favourite.

Try writing some of these sentences (in your neatest handwriting).

I can place a semi-colon in the correct place.

Mark fell to his feet. He was exhausted.

Curtis fell into the nettles. The pain was terrible.

Fiona had been working all night the project was due in tomorrow

Sarah studied the creature it studied her in return


I can finish the sentence after the semi-colon.

  1. Gemma was furious;
  2. Sally enjoyed the football;
  3. Marcus was exhausted;
  4. Fred slammed the door;


I can explain the use of a semi-colon to someone else and give an example.

Be good, be kind and be happy!!

Mrs Pollock




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