P6 Literacy and Numeracy Tasks for Monday 23rd March

Morning Everybody,

I hope you had a good weekend and manged to keep safe.  Don’t forget to keep washing your hands, especially before you eat,  and maybe put cream on them if they’re getting dried out.  Remember to look after the people who look after you at home too!

Literacy: I can use similes.


Today, we are going to listen, carefully, to someone reading the rest of Chapter 18 “Home”.   If you were not in class last week, you will need to listen to Chapters 13-17 first.

After listening to this section once, you may wish to listen to it again to help you answer these questions in your jotter:

  1. Why did Dad decide to buy: an oven? a deep freezer?
  2. What three (3) things must you always have with roasted pheasant?
  3. What were Danny and his father planning to do next?
  4. Why was Danny worried?


We are going to explore the author’s use of similes to help describe the characters and places or things. Remember similes and comparisons can help the reader form a picture or something unfamiliar or just help us visualise something being described.

Complete the sentences below by composing a simile for each one.

  1. The moon was shining over Hazell’s Wood like ______.
  2. William’s footsteps clinked along the road like______.
  3. The pheasants dropped from the trees like_______.
  4. Rabbett’s teeth looked like__________.
  5. The mattress in the pram started bouncing like _______.

*Optional Challenge- Compose more similes of your own to describe a character from the novel.


Now read you similes aloud to someone and ask them to give you 2 stars and 1 wish. Discuss with them which similes are most effective and why.


Numeracy: I can write large numbers.


Today, we are going to look at different strategies for learning all your times tables fact. Watch this video on You Tube called “Learn Your Times Tables in 5 Minutes.” (The video is actually 7mins 35sec!)


Write each number in figures (numbers):

  1. Sixty eight thousand, seven hundred and fourteen                 68,714
  2. One hundred and forty two thousand, and fifty one.
  3. Seven hundred and four thousand, six hundred and nine.
  4. Six hundred and sixty thousand; two hundred and eleven.
  5. Eight hundred and twelve thousand and ninety.
  6. Ninety-nine thousand and fifteen.
  7. Three hundred and thirty-three thousand.
  8. Two hundred and seventeen thousand, six hundred and six.
  9. Two million, four hundred and four thousand, five hundred and forty,
  10. Four million, sixty-five thousand and six.


Write the value of the number 1 in each number.

  1. 718, 294                                  10,000
  2. 641, 873
  3. 36, 412
  4. 201, 678
  5. 5,491
  6. 500, 160
  7. 1, 046, 293
  8. 2, 103,207
  9. 301, 412
  10. 45,701


Look at this number 7720

seven thousand, seven hundred and twenty.

This number is made up of six words.

Can you find other 4 digit numbers that are made up of four words, five words, six words and seven words?

Stay Safe Everbody,

Mrs Pollock

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