Primary 6 used the Kodu Game lab to create a 3D virtual world. Then they used their coding skills to programme the characters to move and interact with the world.
Monthly Archives: March 2019
Fossil, Rock and Mineral Investigation
This morning, we were joined again by Mr Carter, the geologist, and his wife. We split off into 3 groups exploring the fossils, rocks and minerals they brought along. Most of the rocks, fossils and minerals were found in and around Cumbernauld. We learned that 300,000,000 years ago Scotland lay beside the equator. This meant Scotland was surrounded by tropical forests and seas.
Fair Trade Pancake Breakfast
This morning we performed two songs for our family and friends at our annual Fairtrade Pancake Breakfast. We were brilliant and sang really loudly.
Yesterday we enjoyed celebrating World Book Day. Some of us came dressed as book characters and others wore their pyjamas.
On Monday 11th March, P6 will have the opportunity to browse the Book Fair and be able to purchase books until Thursday 14th March. Remember next Friday is Comic Relief day and children can bring ยฃ1, dress in red and/or have crazy hair.
Lego Therapy
This morning P6 were asked to trial Lego Therapy. Each of us had a role and we worked together as a team to create a model. We then switched roles and by the end of the session we all had the chance to be an engineer, a supplier and a builder.
Remember next Thursday, you can come dressed as a book character, wearing your pyjamas or school uniform for World Book Day. On Friday our class will be singing two songs at the Pancake Breakfast.