P6 Homework W/B 4/6/18


Proper and Improper Fractions.  I’ve uploaded work onto everyone’s Active Learn Account and I’ve also left last week’s uploads because I noticed that some people haven’t accessed their account.  There are many activities to choose from.


Learn the lyrics for the Summer Show.  Remember to bring your sheet back to school so we can use it in class.

 School Show Costume

The school show takes place on Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th June.  Please discuss with someone at home your costume.  The school will provide everyone with a blue t-shirt but you need to bring in from home denim jeans, denim shorts or denim skirt.  Please bring in your denim item by WEDNESDAY 13th JUNE in a bag clearly labelled with your name.

This week you can purchase 2 tickets for the show.  In a few weeks, any tickets that are left will be sold on a first come first served basis.

Reading Book Amnesty

The school is missing many books so we’ve decided to hold a Book Amnesty.  At the school shows, there will be a box available to deposit any books that belong to the school.  It doesn’t matter how long you’ve had it for, just pop it in the box and no questions will be asked!!!  We just need the books back.  Please have a good check all over your home.  Thanks.

Big Clean

On Monday 11th June, everyone will be involved in the school’s Big Clean.  We will be getting the school spick and span.  Children can wear their old clothes on this day.

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