P6 Homework Week Beginning 24th April

Literacy: Figurative Language

Figurative language is when words and ideas are used to create mental images and give impressions.  When we use figurative language in our writing and poetry it gives our ideas strength and helps the reader to understand what we mean.

Personification is when we write about an object as if it is human, e.g. “the tulips smiled as the sun rose”

Similes are when we say one thing is like another, e.g. “the snow was on the ground like a thick warm blanket.” Similes contain the words ‘like’ or ‘as’.

Metaphors say something is something else.

e.g.      Tony is a tower of strength.

Christiano Ronaldo is a goal machine.

Copy the examples below neatly into your jotter below, either write P (personification), S (simile) or M (metaphor).

  1. The Alarm clock went off like a bomb!
  2. She was as quiet as a mouse
  3. The ants marched home
  4. The moon is a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas
  5. She’s as mad as a hatter!
  6. The trees whispered to each other in the darkness
  7. The sun went to bed.
  8. She ate the mountain of food greedily
  9. The frog’s tongue moved like lightning

In your jotter write at least 2 sentences that use a hyperbole.

Green Group Read up to P161

Blue Group Read up to P92

Red Group Read “A Jumble for the Queen”.

Maths– We have be looking at 2D and 3D shape.

  • Complete the sheet on 3D shape identifying vertices, faces and edges.
  • Pick one of these ideas to try at home:

Robot challenge Ask children to draw a picture of a robot using at least 3 different 2D shapes.  Ask children to name some of the shapes they used.

3D objects at home Ask children to write down five real-life examples of different 3D objects in their home and, if they can, to give the mathematical name of the 3D object, e.g. toilet roll is a cylinder.

Rectangles on 3D objects Ask children to make drawings of 3D objects in the home that have at least one rectangular face, for example, door, TV, picture frame


  • Continue to practice tables.

http://www.teachingtables.co.uk/ (this website has links to many other websites)

Science: Design and make a musical instrument that can change pitch and can make a loud sound and quiet sound.  Use junk material you have been collecting.  Remember to make your instrument as good looking as it sounds.



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