P6 Homework Week Beginning 16th April


All the phrases below need apostrophes to make them correct. Rewrite each phrase twice; first with an apostrophe to show singular possession and again with an apostrophe to show plural possession. For example:

the girl’s friends (singular);

the girls’ friends (plural).

  1. my brothers headphones
  2. the teachers books
  3. the pupils punishment
  4. the cartoons characters
  5. the teenagers music

Green Group read up to P94

Blue Group read up to P49

Red Group read up to P16




 Tables Test this Friday (20th April)

This week we have been looking at Prime Numbers.Each child has chosen a worksheet to do on Prime Numbers. They should complete their work on the sheet.

Complete Ex 2 or 3

2)Football teams- Investigate which players in your favourite football team wear prime numbers on their shirts.

3) Prime suspect- Children choose a prime number between 30 and 100, e.g. 43, and write the two numbers either side of it, e.g. 42 and 44. They find the number of factors for the two adjacent numbers, e.g. 42 (eight factors) and 44 (six factors). Ask them to investigate if there is a prime number that lies between two numbers with the same number of factors.


 This term we are going to be looking at the life and work of Pablo Picasso.  Create an interesting fact file or power point presentation about his life. Try to summarise in your own words the information rather than copying and pasting large chunks.

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