Homework 20/2/18 – 26/2/18


Copy the paragraph into your jotter and use the common prepositions listed to describe Paul’s journey to work. Read for meaning and find the most sensible preposition before writing anything!

At about 6 a.m. Paul walks _________ the door and goes _______ the stairs. Then he walks _______ the garden path and tiptoes carefully _________ the rickety old bridge. He walks ____ the fence and ______ Farmer Brown’s field which has beehives _______ it.  Now, he must head ___________ the Blue Hills until turning right ________the post box in Appleberry Road.

across      along     around      beside     down       in      near        through       towards


You have started to learn about different strategies for multiplication and we have been practising partitioning.

Please complete the following calculations in your jotter using the partition strategy and be careful with the stations of the times tables – write them out to help accuracy.


1)  376 x 7       2)  468 x 6       3)  294 x 7       4)  809 x 8       5) 714 x 9


1)  76 x 7       2)  68 x 6       3)  94 x 4      4)  89 x 6      5) 74 x 5


1)  26 x 2       2) 38 x 3       3)  44 x 5      4)  19 x 3      5) 54 x 4


We have been discussing factors that affect our health and we know that exercise is very important in helping to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This week you will check how much exercise you are getting by filling in the exercise diary. Taking the dog for a walk, activities at clubs and walking to the shops – these are all activities which can be included.

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