Homework 23/1/18 – 29/1/18


To continue our Victorian themed learning and linked to our work on non-fiction text features, this week you are going to produce a “Victorian Words Glossary”. The list will be written in alphabetical order with the meaning of each word written beside it neatly in your jotter, or the work could be typed out in a suitable font and used as part of our Victorians display!

The words are: scullery, governess, census, abacus, mangle, poverty, soot, apothecary.

 Reading – ongoing

Reading is not just a fiction text completed in school, it is ongoing and there are lots of opportunities for reading outside school. Find an interesting fact or facts from a non-fiction source about an aspect of the Victorian Era that you are interested in and present it in your jotter (think of non-fiction features such as: maps, charts, tables, text boxes etc, to make your information as engaging for the reader as possible!).


You have been revising and practising how to subtract using the formal method. Complete the subtraction sums neatly on your sheet. Use these sites to help you practise your calculation skills:





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