- Sumdog
- To multiply and divide by 10 and 100.
I know that a number moves along the place value grid.
I know that when I multiply I move to the left.
I know that when I divide I move to the right.
- 13 x 10 = 8. 150 ÷10 =
2 11 x 100 = 9. 31 x 10 =
- 120 ÷10 = 10. 23 x 100
- 220 ÷10 = 11. 130 ÷10 =
- 19 x 100 = 12. 190 ÷10 =
- 27 x 10 = 13. 45 x 10 =
- 170 ÷10 = 14. 35 x 100 =
Circle Group:
- 1.3 x 10 = 8. 150 ÷10 =
2 0.11 x 100 = 9. 356.1 x 10 =
- 1.20 ÷10 = 10. 0.23 x 100
- 892.20 ÷10 = 11. 13 ÷10 =
- 19.6 x 100 = 12. 1.9÷10 =
- 27.8 x 10 = 13. 4.5 x 10 =
- 17.0 ÷10 = 14. 3.5 x 100 =
- Remember to bring your group’s novel every day. Please ensure someone at home signs your jotter to say that you have read these chapters.
Green group read chapters 3, 4 & 5 of their group novel
Blue Group read chapters 4, 5 & 6 of their new group novel
Red Group read their new book
- Apostrophes for contractions
Match the correct words
is not doesn’t
she will can’t
does not couldn’t
should not isn’t
you would you’ll
he would she’d
you will you’d
could not they’d
Can you think of other words that can be contracted?
Pick at least 5 of the contracted words and write them in a sentence. You should have at least 5 sentences that begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop.
Extreme Earth: So far in class we have been looking at volcanoes and earthquakes. Can you research some famous volcanic eruptions or earthquakes? Make notes in your jotter explaining: where the volcano/earthquake is, why it is famous or notorious (well known for a bad reason) and the impact it’s had on humans. If you want, you can include maps or images.