Real-life time – at home or in their local surroundings, ask your child to look for representations of time shown on clocks, whether on real clocks or on posters, in newspapers, etc. both analogue and digital format. Ask them to draw them in their homework jotter.
Have a look at this website:
There are many worksheets which involve telling the time both in analogue and digital times. There are also many ICT games to play. Pick at least 6 activities from this website.
Design a clock, watch or time keeping device. Bring it into class to show the rest of the pupils.
Go to this website and find out which day of the week, date, month and year you were born on.
Monday’s Child by Mother Goose
Monday’s Child is fair of face
Tuesday Child is full of grace
Wednesday’s Child is full of woe
Thursday’s Child has far to go
Friday’s Child is loving and giving
Saturday’s Child works hard for a living
But the Child that is born
On the Sabbath Day,
Is witty and wise and good and happy!
Can you find out what the poem says about other people in your house?
Times Tables – Keep practising them. Many children’s scores dropped last week in their tables test.
WWII Research
Choose from:
Research your family tree and find out which family members were alive in WW2. Can you find out anything else about them? Did any of them serve in the army, navy or RAF (Royal Air Force)?
Research and write a short biography about a famous character from WW2 e.g. Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler or Neville Chamberlain.
Compare and contrast fashions of Wartime Britain and Britain today.
Create a graph comparing the size of armies from different nations.