ICT – Power Point Presentations

This morning in ICT we continued to work on our power point presentations on the Five Pillars of Islam.  Our PowerPoints will be used to demonstrate all we have learned about the Five Pillars of Islam.  Our success criteria was:

  1. front page with title, image and names of authors,
  2. introducation to the five pillars
  3. a page each on Shahadah, Salah, Zakah, Sawm and Hajj with explanation and image
  4. a quiz for the person reading the presentation.

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Don’t forget: big tables test tomorrow. Practise, practise, practise!!!!!

Outdoor P.E.

This morning Mr McCrae, a music teacher, joined us from Greenfaulds High school.  He demonstrated his playing of a trombone and asked if any P6 would like to get brass tuition. He’s coming back next Wednesday  to give out information letters and applications forms to those pupils interested.

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This afternoon we had to do our PE outside. First of all we had a go at our first orienteering course. We had to stay with our partners, use a map to locate letters placed around the school then collect all of the letters. We then had to unscramble the letters to make a word which was WOODLANDS. After orienteering, we played capture the flag which really got our hear eat up too.

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Working with Cumbernauld Living Landscapes

This morning we had our final session with Cumbernauld Living Landscape.  We were learning about how animal friendly our school grounds are.  Tracey from Cumbernauld Landscape told us that “Woodlands have one of the best animal friendly school grounds in the whole of Cumbernauld!” This was because of our hedgehog hotel, bug hotels, beehive, wormery, pond, bird boxes, gaps under our fences as well as the long grass, trees and berries.

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Homework W/B 3rd October 2016

Homework W/B 3rd October 2016

Literacy:  Revision of nouns, verbs and adjectives.

  • Write this sentence out in your jotter. Underline the verb, put a circle around the noun.

The cat sat on the mat.

  • Write this sentence out again this time change the noun or verb or add an adjective to change it.

The sad cat sat on the mat.

The cat sat on the wet mat.

The cat slept on the mat.

Can you make up at least 10 different sentences?

Maths:  Practice your times tables.  Everyone knows what times tables they have to cover.  On Friday 7th October, we will have a tables test.  Here are some websites to help you practice or you can make the TGTs we made in class.  Please record in your homework jotter how you prefer to practice your tables, the websites you visit or if you find a really useful website also write it down in your jotter for others to try.

Here are some website that may help:








Complete the Salut French sheet.  It looks at different ways to say hello, goodbye, how are you?

Practice you French with someone at home by having a conversation.  Use the phrases on the sheet to help you with your conversation.  Remember you may need to be the expert and teach the other person how to say the French phrases.

Jotter Check in for Table 2 on Friday 7th October- Merci!

Using a colon to introduce a list

Wow!! Have a look at our very own musical instruments. They were all fantastic.  Some people are going to bring theirs in tomorrow.

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This morning we were building on our previous work on using commas in a list. Today we were learning to put a colon that looks like this : at the beginning of a list. The colon introduces the list and goes in front of the first item on the list.

Don’t forget: tomorrow we continue our work with Cumbernauld Living Landscapes.  The weather forecast is good but you’ll still need a warm jacket and wellies or shoes you don’t mind getting muddy.

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