P5/6 Homework W/B 12th September


Last week in maths we looked at negative numbers.  We :

  • Located numbers with a value of less than zero on a number line
  • Sequenced positive and negative numbers
  • Solved simple problems in context, with reference to the number line e.g. it was -10°C and it got 3°C colder/warmer

Temperature chain puzzles Ask your child to make a puzzle by writing a chain of temperature changes, e.g. It was 7°C and then it reached 10°C. The temperature then rose by 5° before dropping a further 8°. What is the temperature now? He/she gives the initial temperature and makes sure he/she knows the final temperature in each puzzle. Use the puzzles in another lesson as a class quiz.

Website 1 – http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/maths/number/negative_numbers/play/ A highly enjoyable game focusing on the sequencing of positive and negative numbers.

Website 2 – http://www.primaryresources.co.uk/online/negnumorder.swf Put the negative numbered wooly hats in the right order.


This week we will have a spelling test on Friday.  We won’t have a spelling test every week but I will let you know when we are having a test through our blog.  Everyone has copied their spellings into their homework jotter.  Those children who have left their jotter at home copied their list onto a piece of paper.  Homework this week involves preparation for your test.  You could prepare by:  listing your spelling words in order from hardest to easiest, write your words in rainbow colours or dots or write a silly sentence with your spelling word in it– don’t forget capital letters and full stops for your sentences.

Read to someone at home.  Don’t forget to discuss what you have read and you must bring your book to school every day as we will be using it in class.

The best Dog in the World book P35-58

The Butterfly Lion P42-50

Aliens Stole my Dog P29-36


As part of our work on the Five Pillars of Islam, we recalled facts we knew about the religion Islam. Research at least 5 facts about Islam and write them neatly into your jotter or illustrate them.

Anybody who didn’t bring in their homework jotter today please bring it in asap 🙂




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