This morning the P5s were introduced to similes and metaphors and the P6s were consolidating them. We were very good at explaining the difference between a simile and a metaphor.
In Maths we will be looking at symmetry.
Shape environment changes: Ask children to look at patterns, which involve rotation or reflection at home or during their journey to school. Examples might include designs on crockery, designs on fences and brickwork on buildings. They record and describe the patterns.
Wallpaper design: Ask children to create a design for wallpaper, which involves shapes, which have been rotated or reflected. Back in class they compare and discuss their designs
Symmetry in nature: Ask children to look at the living world around them to find examples of symmetry in plants and animals. They could then photograph or sketch their findings to bring back into school to show to their classmates.
Crest Design: Ask children to design and draw a symmetrical crest for their class base at school. Children could then bring their completed designs into school for display outside the class base.
Here are some websites that you may find useful to use with me! Create your own symmetrical design. Can you tell how many lines of symmetry are in each flag? Test your understanding of rotational symmetry!
Can you correctly identify how many lines of symmetry these shapes have? Create your own symmetrical design. Create your own design with the help of the magic mirror!
Find an interesting/unusual photograph for a newspaper report:
Finding information from newspapers. Find at least one example for:
Page number | ||
Name of the newspaper |
A headline | ||
Headline of a sports story | ||
TV listing – what is it called? | ||
Puzzle – what type is it? | ||
Job advert – Name of job and company | ||
Double glazing advert – name of company and telephone number
Read a report about a child or a school. What is the headline and what is it about? | ||
Why is there a property section? |
We have been looking at the work of the Spanish painter, Pablo Picasso. Here are some links to help you learn more about Picasso:
Blue Period –
Early works (covering blue rose and cubist)
Picasso in action – live painting-
Child Narrated –
As well as a famous painter Picasso was also a famous sculptor. Use junk modelling to create a Picasso inspired model.
This afternoon we had an introductory lesson to Pablo Picasso. With a partner, we had to come up with 5 facts about Picasson then join up with another pair to find 10 facts. Finally, people offered to take the hot seat and give 10 facts of their own. Tomorrow we are going to paint pictures from Picasso’s Blue Period.
Today we had penultimate lesson on angles. We were learning that if you add up the three angles in a triangle they always make 180 degrees (straight line angle). We cut off the angles of different triangles then glued the angles into our jotters in a straight line to prove, when added together, they equal 180 degrees. We will briefly revisit angles later in the year.