P5/6 Homework Week Beginning 11th January

In Maths we will be looking at Co-ordinates.

Treasure Map: Ask child to draw an island (top down view) on squared paper. Ask them to number each line along the bottom edge (zero in the left corner) and up the left edge (from that same zero). Draw some ‘treasures’ and other features on the map and ask child to identify their positions. Start along the horizontal line (x) then up the vertical line (y) and write the coordinate as: (x, y).

Battleships! Draw a 10×10 grid. On your map, you need to mark 7 boats… two boats with 2 spots, 2 boats with 3 spots, 2 boats with 4 spots and a 5-spot boat. The spots in each boat can only be horizontal or vertical (NOT diagonal), and must be placed on the grid-lines. Decide who is starting. Try to guess where your enemy’s boats are, by asking them for a co-ordinate. If it hits one of your boats’ spots, draw a cross on that spot, and you get another guess… if it’s a miss, draw a circle there and your enemy has a turn to guess where your boats are hidden. Keep playing by taking turns until there is a winner – the one who sinks all SEVEN boats.

Coordinates: Here are the coordinates of some quadrilaterals but in each case one coordinate is missing!

  1. (2,11),(0,9),(2,7),(?,?)
  2. (3,7),(3,4),(8,4),(?,?)
  3. (18,3),(16,5),(12,5),(?,?)
  4. (13,12),(15,14),(12,17),(?,?)
  5. (7,14),(6,11),(7,8),(?,?)

The quadrilaterals are all symmetrical. This may be rotational or line symmetry or both. Can you work out what the missing coordinates are if you know they are all positive? (Hint: draw a 20 by 20 grid and plot them out) Is there more than one way to find out?

Useful Websites

http://www2.smarttutor.com/player/swf/Geometry_Coordinate_L5_V1_t3a.swf Park the car – This grid activity will set your graph reading skills on track.

http://nrich.maths.org/1279 – Coordinate Cunning- Combines ‘4 in a row’ with knowledge of origin and coordinates


We will be looking at Non- Fiction books

Compare a story book and a fact book. (Look carefully at them and find things that are the same and things that are different.)

Fact (Non-fiction) Book Title_______________ Author __________________

Story (Fiction) Book Title __________________ Author _________________

Things that are different
Fact Book

Story book

Things that are the same
Both books have:


Non-Fiction Feature Find!


Use non-fiction books, you may have to go to the library, to find one example of each common nonfiction feature below. Write the title of the book you found it in and a brief description of what the feature is showing in that book.


Non-Fiction Feature Book & Page Number What did you find out?


Table of















Text Boxes



Bold/Italicized text



Pictures and/or diagrams






Anything else?





Health and Well Being

When you get you Kid Power Band you need to think of a place to keep it safe when you have a wash/ bath or shower. As you will be taking it home every night you must also remember to bring it to school to earn your points.

Learn more about promoting healthy eating by playing this game:


There a five different food groups. Can you draw a table with the 5 different food groups and give examples of food from each group?

Keep a food diary for a week. Remember to stay healthy you should eat mostly from the Carbohydrates group and not too much from the Fats group. Try not to have too many of these: – chips, sausages, hamburgers, bacon, crisps, sweets, peanuts, chocolate, cakes, biscuits, fizzy drinks. Don’t forget to eat at least 5 lots of fruit and vegetables every day

Learn more about “World Food Crisis” from this Oxfam website:


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