Homework 2.11.15 – 16.11.15

In Maths over the next few weeks we will be beginning work on our Money topic. Some of the things we will be looking at are:

  • coins and notes  up to £100
  • different currencies
  • paying for goods in a given situation
  • budgeting
  • comparing special deals and offers to work out the best deal

Some ideas for tasks at home include:

  • Set yourself a budget e.g. £100 and use catalogues or web sites with parental permission to ‘buy’ presents for Christmas for a family of four.
  • Set yourself a budget e.g. £20 and use catalogues or web sites with parental permission to plan a 3 course meal for a family of four.
  • Go with an adult from your family to the shops for example to buy the weeks shopping. Pay close attention at the tills and see what happens when someone pays for goods. Did they use cash or card? Did they get change?
  • When on this trip to the shops or again using catalogues or web sites with parental permission choose 5 deals to investigate. Did they save you money, if so how much and was it the ‘best deal’?
  • Go to Money Master to work with coins and different currencies.

In Language we will be working on our novels and reading books. To support this work at home you can:

Go to the library and/or read a book you already have in your house. Using this book:

  • Make up questions for someone in your family to answer.
  • Create a character profile for one of the characters within the story.
  • Record within your ‘Thinking Jotter’ any words you did not know the meaning too along with their definitions which you have discovered either by using a written or online dictionary.
  • Create an alternative ending to your chosen story.

We will also be looking at news stories. To support this work you could:

  • use written and oral reports of news stories and compare their styles.
  • look for stories centered around children’s rights and identify the article from the UNCRC which is being discussed.
  • use Newsround website to support your work.

Health and Wellbeing

Fireworks/Bonfire Safety will be investigated. To support this you could:

  • Create a Fireworks/Bonfire Safety guide for children of your age. Consider how you would get their attention and get them to listen to the key points about Firework/Bonfire Safety that you are trying to tell them.
  • Share this guide with family and friends before Fireworks/Bonfire night.
  • Create a fireworks picture using any media you have available (e.g. chalk, pencils, pens, paint etc.)

Inter-Disciplinary Learning

We will be focussing on Children in Need over the next fortnight and specifically the link to the work they do and Children’s Rights. To support this work:

Don’t forget to record anything you do in your ‘Thinking Jotter’if you wish and bring it in to let us all see!

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