Tag Archives: Newsletter

Latest Newsletter!

Latest Newsletter

Click on the above for our latest Newsletter!

Paper copies will not be distributed this month.  If you wish a paper copy please call into the office where they will be available on request.

As an Eco School we are keen to maintain our Eco status and as such we intend going paperless to minimise the effect of excess rubbish on our environment. We have put various means of communication into place to help us achieve this whilst keeping you fully informed of what is going on in the school.  We regularly update our website www.whitelees.n-lanark.sch.uk. We now have a Twitter account WhiteleesPS where you can keep up to date with all that’s happening in the school.  We also now have an email alert system in place which we would use to send out correspondence directly to your email address.  You can sign up to our email alert system, just ask your child’s Teacher about this at your Parent/Teacher meeting.