Tag Archives: Effective Contributor


Today was a slightly different assembly.  We had our Effective Contributors and weekly Class Dojo Winners!  Well done everyone who received a certificate.

Jack, Sophia and Caleb said “It’s Good To Be Me!” with their trophies.  Jack won Football Player of the Week, Sophia won Dancer of the Week and Caleb won a trophy and medal at his football tournament!  Well done boys and girls!

Happy Birthday to everyone who had a Birthday between 2nd and 8th September!

Our primary 7 Head Boy and Head Girl candidates also made their speeches to the whole school.  The vote will take place next week.  Keep an eye on our website for the winners!


Our Friday assembly was later today as we had a full dress rehearsal for our show this morning and it is looking amazing, we can’t wait for you to see it!

Today we had winners of our weekly Class Dojo and Effective Contributor certificates.  Well done to all our winners!

We had two It’s Good To Be Me! pupils this week.  Kayden brought his football trophy in to show us and Emma Sophia brought in her Ahtletics trophy!  Well done!

Adam received a special certificate for his fundraising for Strathcarron Hospice.  Adam held a cake sale at his caravan and raised £17.20.  Well done Adam!

Happy Birthday to all those with a Birthday before 28th June!  We hope you all have a lovely day when it comes!


Check out this week’s winners and It’s Good To Be Me” pupils!

It appears we have lots of talented children in Whitelees!

Sarah took part in the Santa Dash!

Ellie-Mae, Freya and Maddison are fabulous disco and ballet dancers!

Kyle and James brought their football trophies in to show everyone!

James showed off his certificate for good language work!

Oliver brought in his Elf Award!

Jack brought in his new Taekwondo belt!

Hannah won a Cheerleading trophy!

Wow what a talented bunch!

We also had our weekly class Dojo winners, Effective Contributors and our Birthdays until the end of 2016!

Congratulations to all our talented “It’s Good To Be Me” pupils, certificate winners and those celebrating Birthdays before the end of December!



Check out this weeks’ winners!

We had two “It’s Good To Be Me!” pupils this week.  Lauren showed us all her fabulous dancing trophy and Sophia shared her beautiful paintings with everyone!  Thank you girls.

The Charity Council told everyone about their plans for Children In Need next Friday.  Don’t forget to wear something spotty and bring your £1 for this amazing charity.   We look forward to  seeing everyone’s “Pudsey Jumps”!  Letters in bags tonight!

Not forgetting our weekly class Dojo winners and this weeks Effective Contributors!

Congratulations to all our winners!



Our recent Dig In Day was a marvellous success. 

Thank you to everyone who came along to help refresh our Outdoor Learning area and playground. Pupils are already enjoying the newly painted and planted items.

photoOur anniversary tree to celebrate the school turning 40 years old this year.

Special thanks for donations from McConechy’s Tyre & Auto Centre, RG Tyres Cumbernauld, Brian Millar of SRUC, Spaceright, our Parent Council, staff, pupils and families for plants, roofing felt, tools and most of all your time, effort and hard work.

Thank you all for your continued support!


Same time next year?



Our Power Off and Learn Outdoors Days were a HUGE success!

Thankfully the weather was kind to us and the rain clouds stayed away!

The children were outdoors all day participating in various activities such as freestyle cycling and scootering, using natural materials to decorate Easter eggs, making natural potions using nature’s garden, using their senses to write poems, taking part in a scavenger hunt and an obstacle course to name but a few!

The children loved learning outdoors and we hope they all slept soundly after their day in the fresh air!