All posts by Mrs Hunter

So much to celebrate…


Wishing you a birthday that is as special as you are!



effective contributor

Our Effective Contributors!



homework…………. Stars!!!!     

las vegas

Dig In Day – 30.05.15 from 11am-2pm

we need your help


We Need your help!!!

This Saturday we invite you to join us as we ‘Dig In’ to make our Outdoor Area even more special than it already is!


We need help with our Nature Garden, Playground Painting, Outdoor Classroom and that’s just to mention a few of our ideas…!!!!


If you can spare some time between 11am & 2pm, we would love to see you!

Our Parent Council have even promised us a hearty lunch!




Please keep checking our blog for updates as we really need the weather to be nice and dry on the day! Fingers crossed, our wishes will come true and the rain will stay away!


My Favourite Sea Creature…

Last week P2  submitted personal projects about their favourite sea creatures.

They all look fantastic! Mr Young & Mrs Scott said they were very proud of their pupils’  hard work.

Check out P2’s class pages to have a look at their excellent work and see if you can guess their favourite sea creatures!


Well done everyone!  As usual, you have managed to produce work of such a high standard!!!

It’s Monday and we think you’re…


Each week one lucky staff member has their name drawn out at assembly and we take time to recognise the many things that make them such a great part of our school!


This week it was Mrs McIntyre’s turn and she was delighted to read our comments and receive her certificate!

“She always smiles”       “She is funny”       “She has chats in the lunch hall”   

“She is generous”   “She is calm”

…and lots, lots more!!!!!!!

Well done Mrs McIntyre!


Cumbernauld Academy, here we come!!!!

Wishing our P7 boys and girls ‘All the best!’ as they set off on their transition visit to Cumbernauld Academy.

They will spend today and tomorrow following their timetable and finish off on Wednesday with a Sports Ambassador Event, before returning to us at 12 noon.

We can’t wait to hear all about it!

I look in the mirror and what do I see?

Today our pupils were encouraged to be positive about their own reflection and appreciate themselves as much more than what they or others see on the surface. 

it's gtby

A few shared their thoughts…

” I see freckles!”  – Holly– ” I am really good at gymnastics”

” I have a beautiful face” – Enya – ” I’m great at reading”

” I see my mouth” – Erin ” I’m wonderful at dancing”

” I have loads of spots” – Zoe – ” I try my best at everything”

” I have nice eyes” – Alia – ” I am fantastic at acting”


Some of the children commented on how hard it can be to say nice things about yourself as there are so many things we can say to compliment others.  It can feel that we are showing off or being self centred to say something positive but when we have a chance to think about it, it’s okay to remind yourself and others of what it means to be YOU!

BUT…just don’t say too much about yourself in case you stop recognising what makes others great!

P.A.Th.S time gives us a chance to hear about what makes us special!